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Chattering Teeth


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I had a foster that had chattering teeth when excited, and sometimes I've seen it when dogs are dreaming, but what is it about? I've just noticed Stevie doing it - just the last couple of days, and she's six - at that most exciting time when I'm about to pick up the food bowls to take out.

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My dog did this when she had a sore paw. She would gently lick it and then her teeth would chatter?

I thought it must have been because she was in pain but she still does it occasionally at random times, so I have no idea really. I will be interested to see what responses you get.

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Some greyhounds chatter when they are really excited, for a walk or for dinner. They do a different type of chattering when they find a really nice smell, which includes drooling and sucking. There is a name for it, which I can't quite remember.

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Riley (Sheltie) does it too! Seems to be when he's excited about getting a particularly yummy treat :) He has lots of weird "excited" habits (spinning in circles, crouching, weird noises), it's like he's just TOO excited and he doesn't know how to get it out, cracks me up!

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  On 05/07/2012 at 3:46 AM, mixeduppup said:

It's not like the flehman (sp?) reacting in horses is it?

It is exactly that!....similar to the jacobosen organ in cats. They are "tasting" the odours or aromas. Boys do it as well when smelling bitches urine.

Humans do it too, when slurping & tasting wines.....but we are not as good at it though as the four legged animals :D

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