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Lip Fold Pyoderma


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Barkly has had some ongoing issues for lip fold pyoderma over the last 6 months or so.

He was getting crusty in his lip folds and it was a bit sore. Plus he was getting red stains on his coat where ever he got saliva on it.

He'd been treated by the vet (some creme and cortisone from memory) - as well as regular cleaning with diluted Maleseb. All to no avail.

Recently, I've done two things...

- changed the balance of his diet:

from 70% Artemis, 20% raw, 10% treats (mostly Four Legs)

to 80% raw, 10% TOTW, 10% treats

- About twice a week, cleaning them with apple cider vinegar

After two weeks, it's almost completely cleared. This is good news, because I was thinking surgery might be the next option.

I'm now thinking that it's possible that about 6 months ago, I increased the proportion of Artemis in his diet and reduced the raw component (I got lazy) and that this has triggered the pyoderma. My theory is that the grains of kibble would stay in his lip fold whereas the raw would not.

I'm not sure if it was coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

I'm happy - no surgery!

Anyway - this post if mainly for people who are searching for lip fold pyoderma and might want to consider diet related causes.

Your mileage may vary.

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Allergies can predispose animals toward recurrent skin problems.

I am currently contemplating an elimination diet for a dog that gets recurrent ear infections. I have been putting it off because the symptoms are not too bad and its going to be an absolute pain- but worth it.

I am glad Barkly is doing better!

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Frequent (ie daily) cleaning of skin folds can help prevent infections. You can use baby wipes etc or special vet ones (malacetic) which are pretty much just dilute vinegar, so similar to what you're already using.

TBH I think that food allergy is unlikely to be the cause for lip fold pyoderma. Food allergy usually has a more generalised distribution, although occasionally you so see dogs who only get ear infection in one ear etc

You may have a point with the raw food not getting caught in the lip fold as easily though, as food getting stuck would certainly predispose the area to infection.

Glad it all seems to be under control though :thumbsup:

BTW what is TOTW?

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