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Does Worming Upset Tummuea?


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Hi, koda is struggling with colitis again. Been on meds again. Is on a meat only diet which i'm not sure of its working. Found cow pat poor this arvo. I wormed her with frontal last night so am wondering if that could be problem.

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Guest donatella

Pretty much everytime I worm mine she pukes the next day. I really must remember to feed her on a full tummy as that can help apparently.

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I'll see if I can find a link to an old thread I started on this same topic Best4Koda.

I'm not sure why, but my dog gets quite sick for a couple of days after Drontal but was fine on a different wormer (Canex).

Many wise Dolers suggested taking a fecal sample to the vet to see if worming was even necessary.

Previous thread:My link

Edited by trinabean
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Guest lavendergirl

I think the all-wormers do upset the tummy - mine usually has a loose motion the next day. I only give it every three months. If I had a dog with colitis I would be wary of giving it at all unless the presence of worms was confirmed. Heartworm is necessary though - depending on where you live.

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Hi guys, yeah we usually use interceptor but the vet wanted to use drontal to rule out hook worm due to where we are. I did give it with her meal. I always have done this anyway. She seems ok this morning so hopefully that's what it was. Hook worm is a problem in northern wa apparently and she has been thin as well.

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Just popping in this thread, I have just started using interceptor spectrum which says it is also for fleas.. I used to use comfortiis but stopped once I saw that this allwormer also covered fleas.. Rogue has been scratching this past week.. Is it OK to also use comfortis? I can't find anything in the box that says anything about mixing the two..

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