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Is This Separation Anxiety?


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Ok, now for my younger mini, i think he has a bit of separation anxiety towards me. Its okay if i'm out of sight, he won't make a fuss when he sees me. But when i get home from work everyday, he makes a big fuss with barking and whining. I've ignored that since day 1 and he hasn't stopped it at all. In the morning, he does the same thing but instead of barking he cries and follows me around whinging until he can jump up and touch me - this is when he sees me for the first time. How do I correct this behaviour.

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No - it's not separation anxiety. Separation Anxiety is when a dog has such a strong attachment to a particular person or animal, that it does not believe it can survive in that particular person or animal's absence.

Separation Related behaviour is when the dog doesn't cope well with being alone.

SA has been so over-diagnosed for such a long period of time, however, that it seems to me that the definition of SA and SRB have sort of merged.

In your case however, your dog is attention seeking. In some shape or form, he is getting something that is akin to his goal, or at least what he believes is closer to it. This could be a glance in his direction that he has spotted; a reaction from you that makes him think that if he just tries harder, he'll get there; or something else. One of those things is jumping up on you (answered for yourself in your post). Jumping up on you is something that he's getting something out of, so you need to work on that too. What and how - that depends on what you're already doing and how your dog perceives what you're doing. Ultimately, however, it needs to be something that (a) does not give your dog the satisfaction of feeding to his goal; and (b) your dog finds not all that pleasant or comfortable.

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What is wrong with your dog greeting you when you come home ?

Mine all make a fuss like idiots & as though I have been out all day when its usually not for long at all.

I say hello to them give them a pat & then say shut up, be quiet & get down. Not so hard to deal with. Sounds like normal dog behaviour.

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Mine get pats when I come through the gate,(they are usually waiting) then do old-dog zoomies up and down the driveway.

They are fine after that...why not try making a fuss of your dog when you get home, he has been without you for a while and would like to feel important when you arrive home.

He is happy to see you, why not acknowledge it?

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Guest lavendergirl

I agree with the others. Give him a pat and settle him with a treat to distract him - believe me I have been down the "just ignore him otherwise you are rewarding" path and if it don't work it don't work! Use whatever method works for you and your dog no matter what advice you get to the contrary.

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Guest lavendergirl

I think the point is that whatever you have been doing has not worked in stopping what is - to you - undesirable behaviour. Perhaps what you think sounds anxious is just excitement? It does not sound as if he has any of the symptoms of separation anxiety - barking, destruction etc while you are out. If you don't want him jumping up on you then I guess it is a matter of training rather than any behavioural problem. If you can train him to carry out some sort of command - go to a mat then reward etc - when you come home then that may distract him from the unwanted behaviour.

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