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Help Please. Getting My Baby Back ... And Panicking !


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When my ex & I went our separate ways a year and a half ago, I agreed to leave our 6 month old Dogue de Bordeaux puppy Tonka with him due to various reasons that I thought would benefit Tonka. I stayed pretty much out of the picture because at the end of the day, I see no point in doing so when I don't have any say on how he's brought up when I'm no longer around. The only thing I could to was stay in touch with the vet and keep his insurance up to date as my ex refused to keep it. Fast forward to now ... my ex has apparently moved to qld to take on a mining job and can no longer take care of Tonka. I'm quite mad since I've asked numerous times before this if he's okay with Tonka and if he wants me to take over, especially since Tonka had to have hip surgery while he was under his care due to rough play. I have never been so thankful for an insurance in my whole life when that happened.

Anyway, I received the call 2 days ago and Tonka has to be removed from where he is now on the 27th of June or he goes to the pound. In the meantime, I'm going overseas for 4 weeks and will be leaving in 10 days so I'm running around like a mad woman trying to get organised and not sure if I'm doing this the right way. I also have Tonka's breeder jumping through hoops and doing everything she can to help. So basically, can I please have your thoughts and advise on any or all of the following?

* Transport from Toowoomba to Sydney;

* Dog boarding / temporary accommodation / foster care, for about 2 1/2 weeks while I'm still overseas around the Richmond/Londonderry area which is close to his breeder;

* Vet care near Ryde / Putney area in Sydney experienced with hip dysplasia and post-op care;

* Advice and help on introducing a 2 year old male entire dog to a new home, people & furry friends, K9Pro only available around September so will have to get a bit of a clue before then :-)

* Basic necessities for a grown male giant breed dog, bed, crate, etc.

* anything else you can think of please.

* ideas on outdoor sleeping arrangement.

I'm so very lucky that my housemates are agreeing to trial Tonka. He will have full run of the back yard and we're checking this weekend to make sure it's doggy proof. Although, I live in a big granny flat and I want him to be used to being both outside and inside. There is no shade at the back at the moment, but there is a paved area, so I need ideas on how to make him comfortable out there when I'm at work.

My head is spinning on all the things I need to get him back safely and I can't wait to get him back. I have a week to try to organise everything, your help will be very, very much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

- Cath

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Take a deep breath. :) Although you may not feel it it sounds like you have everything pretty much under control. It is really great of your housemates to agree to look after Tonka while you are away overseas, although I would ask that they understand thsa he will have a setting in period which will be doubly difficult due to your absence and not to let that colour their judgement of him too much.

You have addressed the big issues such as making sure his yard is dog proof. What are his usual sleeping arangements? Kennel, Crate, bedding etc. Try to keep things as close to normal for him with changes being subtle (diet) and out of necessity. In the short term a tarp or similar may have to be strung up to give him some protection from the elements.

Good luck.

Edited by LizT
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When my ex & I went our separate ways a year and a half ago, I agreed to leave our 6 month old Dogue de Bordeaux puppy Tonka with him due to various reasons that I thought would benefit Tonka. I stayed pretty much out of the picture because at the end of the day, I see no point in doing so when I don't have any say on how he's brought up when I'm no longer around. The only thing I could to was stay in touch with the vet and keep his insurance up to date as my ex refused to keep it. Fast forward to now ... my ex has apparently moved to qld to take on a mining job and can no longer take care of Tonka. I'm quite mad since I've asked numerous times before this if he's okay with Tonka and if he wants me to take over, especially since Tonka had to have hip surgery while he was under his care due to rough play. I have never been so thankful for an insurance in my whole life when that happened.

Anyway, I received the call 2 days ago and Tonka has to be removed from where he is now on the 27th of June or he goes to the pound. In the meantime, I'm going overseas for 4 weeks and will be leaving in 10 days so I'm running around like a mad woman trying to get organised and not sure if I'm doing this the right way. I also have Tonka's breeder jumping through hoops and doing everything she can to help. So basically, can I please have your thoughts and advise on any or all of the following?

* Transport from Toowoomba to Sydney;

* Dog boarding / temporary accommodation / foster care, for about 2 1/2 weeks while I'm still overseas around the Richmond/Londonderry area which is close to his breeder;

* Vet care near Ryde / Putney area in Sydney experienced with hip dysplasia and post-op care;

* Advice and help on introducing a 2 year old male entire dog to a new home, people & furry friends, K9Pro only available around September so will have to get a bit of a clue before then :-)

* Basic necessities for a grown male giant breed dog, bed, crate, etc.

* anything else you can think of please.

* ideas on outdoor sleeping arrangement.

I'm so very lucky that my housemates are agreeing to trial Tonka. He will have full run of the back yard and we're checking this weekend to make sure it's doggy proof. Although, I live in a big granny flat and I want him to be used to being both outside and inside. There is no shade at the back at the moment, but there is a paved area, so I need ideas on how to make him comfortable out there when I'm at work.

My head is spinning on all the things I need to get him back safely and I can't wait to get him back. I have a week to try to organise everything, your help will be very, very much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

- Cath

Transport: Call Dogtainers - http://www.dogtainers.com.au/

Boarding: others may have a better idea, but Bligh Park Vet at Windsor does boarding which may be useful if he is recovering from surgery?: http://www.blighparkvet.com.au/ourServices.php#boarding

Vets: here is a thread on ortho vets that mentions some in your area: http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/150983-good-ortho-vets-in-sydney/

Big crate can be purchased for a reasonable price from http://www.vebopet.com.au/ (get the XXL)

He will need some shelter outside - that is probably your priority if that is where he will be spending most of his time - particularly if he is to sleep outside.

An emergency temporary 'quick fix' might be tall star pickets and a tarp strung (at a slight angle) between them - it will at least provide some shade and rain shelter until you can arrange something more permanent.

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* Dog boarding / temporary accommodation / foster care, for about 2 1/2 weeks while I'm still overseas around the Richmond/Londonderry area which is close to his breeder;

* Vet care near Ryde / Putney area in Sydney experienced with hip dysplasia and post-op care;

Max Zuber at Gladesville Vet is brilliant. He is also experienced with the breed, dysplasia etc etc http://www.gladesvillevet.com.au/pages/about-us/our-staff/staff-member.php?idArticle=9589

For boarding you could try DOL member Pax, just send her a PM. There are several good kennels in that area, but I know Pax's place is very popular.

Good luck!

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Thank you all so much. I am furiously taking notes for calls to be made tomorrow and a shopping list to be completed by the weekend. Just reading reassuring words are very comforting. Thank you all again.

- Cath

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Re a temporary shelter - when we went camping we took a beach shade/pop up tent with us just in case and everyone commented what a great idea it was. It was bought from an op shop but camping places like Anaconda sell them for $20. They will give shade and protect from wind and rain. They can be pegged into place. If you were closer I'd loan you mine!

Please keep updating on here if you get stuck with anything. I live southside of Brisbane and depending on how your transport from Toowoomba to the airport pans out could probably assist with an overnight stay and delivery to the airport if that became necessary.

Hopefully Tonka will still remember you and settling in wont be too traumatic. Remember this happens with rescue dogs all the time and with a little extra tlc they find their feet again fairly quickly. Dogs are oh so resiliant.

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Any reason he has to be kennelled near his breeder? Just limits you,its school hols in a week, so kennels will be full.

A good kennel, get it up off the ground, mine are on wooden pallets,lots of bedding, try opp shops for doona's.

A trip to Parklea markets might be worth it, i get all my beds etc there, much cheaper, and they do have kennels.

A trip to K9pro is a good idea, a 2 year old entire Dougue may not be that easy.

Check what he eats too atm.

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Hi All,

I have just confirmed that Tonka is not up to date with his C5 vaccination, which complicates his temporary accommodation, but, I'm working on it. My poor baby :mad

I should've dognapped him. I thought about it many times but figured that was just silly ... hmmmm, not such a silly idea now :laugh:

Have called the ex and informed him of the options. 1) Vaccinate asap and keep him for 2 weeks before travelling so he can be kenelled upon arrival, or 2) keep him until I come back from overseas on mid Jul.

The saying that it never rains, it pours is so true! My mom goes in for a knee replacement surgery as soon as I get back and she freaks out if I don't see her daily. So lucky that the hospital is very close to where I live.

So, brainstorming time :-)

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Guest donatella

If he was a half decent guy he'd at least keep him until you return from your holiday!

On the flip side though DOGUE CUDDLES :heart:

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Take a deep breath. :) Although you may not feel it it sounds like you have everything pretty much under control. It is really great of your housemates to agree to look after Tonka while you are away overseas, although I would ask that they understand thsa he will have a setting in period which will be doubly difficult due to your absence and not to let that colour their judgement of him too much.

You have addressed the big issues such as making sure his yard is dog proof. What are his usual sleeping arangements? Kennel, Crate, bedding etc. Try to keep things as close to normal for him with changes being subtle (diet) and out of necessity. In the short term a tarp or similar may have to be strung up to give him some protection from the elements.

Good luck.

Thank you LizT.

My housemates have offered to look after him until I get back but I'd really prefer not. Only because I'm not sure what condition (physically & mentally) Tonka will be in when he arrives and I don't want any of the 3 boys (Tonka & my 2 housemates) to freak out when they first meet :)

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Transport: Call Dogtainers - http://www.dogtainers.com.au/

Boarding: others may have a better idea, but Bligh Park Vet at Windsor does boarding which may be useful if he is recovering from surgery?: http://www.blighparkvet.com.au/ourServices.php#boarding

Vets: here is a thread on ortho vets that mentions some in your area: http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/150983-good-ortho-vets-in-sydney/

Big crate can be purchased for a reasonable price from http://www.vebopet.com.au/ (get the XXL)

He will need some shelter outside - that is probably your priority if that is where he will be spending most of his time - particularly if he is to sleep outside.

An emergency temporary 'quick fix' might be tall star pickets and a tarp strung (at a slight angle) between them - it will at least provide some shade and rain shelter until you can arrange something more permanent.

Thank you Espinay2.

Definitely getting another crate, he was crate trained and loved his crate when I had him. Made life so much easier.

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Max Zuber at Gladesville Vet is brilliant. He is also experienced with the breed, dysplasia etc etc http://www.gladesvillevet.com.au/pages/about-us/our-staff/staff-member.php?idArticle=9589

For boarding you could try DOL member Pax, just send her a PM. There are several good kennels in that area, but I know Pax's place is very popular.

Good luck!

Thank you!

Gladesville Vet, brilliantly close :thumbsup:

Making an appointment now for when I get back and arranging for his vet records to be transferred from his previous ones.

One off the list! :D

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Re a temporary shelter - when we went camping we took a beach shade/pop up tent with us just in case and everyone commented what a great idea it was. It was bought from an op shop but camping places like Anaconda sell them for $20. They will give shade and protect from wind and rain. They can be pegged into place. If you were closer I'd loan you mine!

Please keep updating on here if you get stuck with anything. I live southside of Brisbane and depending on how your transport from Toowoomba to the airport pans out could probably assist with an overnight stay and delivery to the airport if that became necessary.

Hopefully Tonka will still remember you and settling in wont be too traumatic. Remember this happens with rescue dogs all the time and with a little extra tlc they find their feet again fairly quickly. Dogs are oh so resiliant.

Puppy Sniffer you make me tear up, and I'm NOT a cryer!! What a gracious offer. There's no emoticon for happy tears ...

The transport options from Toowoomba have been pretty good, I just need a definite a date to book him in, and, I'm still waiting on that. I just want to get him here asap, if he's not wanted there then he should be near people that love him.

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Any reason he has to be kennelled near his breeder? Just limits you,its school hols in a week, so kennels will be full.

A good kennel, get it up off the ground, mine are on wooden pallets,lots of bedding, try opp shops for doona's.

A trip to Parklea markets might be worth it, i get all my beds etc there, much cheaper, and they do have kennels.

A trip to K9pro is a good idea, a 2 year old entire Dougue may not be that easy.

Check what he eats too atm.

Hi Juice,

I thought it might be best if he's near his breeder in case there are any emergencies while I'm overseas. I have completely forgotten about the need for lots of towels and bedding materials. Opp shops & markets are awesome suggestions.

I have to calm down and take a moment. I'm forgetting the basics and that's not helpful.

Thank you so much.

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Take a piece of paper and write down your goals.

1. Make sure Tonka is appropriately cared for.

2. Have a worry free and fun time on your holiday

3. Be there for your mum when you return

4. Make sure Tonka gets medical treatment.

Now, go through each one and break it down into small steps.

Work through each one step at a time.

Do not try to work on them all at once as it will become overwhelming.

If you could get foster care from an experienced owner or breeder between Toowoomba and Brisbane - somebody who knows the breed and has the time for Vet visits - and somebody you could pay the equivalent of a boarding fee - then you could put your mind at ease as you would cover most bases until you return.

If you bought a suitable crate, this could act temporarily as outside shade until you can figure better options out.

Personally, I would be mindful that many ex's do things out of spite because they harbor residual resentment and/or anger etc.... Also, ex will now be focused on relocating, new job etc which is probably a lot to deal with. I would try to remove Tonka asap if it were me, but not until a suitable carer was found.

Good luck and know that you will be further along the road to meeting this challenge tomorrow than you are today!.

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Take a deep breath. :) Although you may not feel it it sounds like you have everything pretty much under control. It is really great of your housemates to agree to look after Tonka while you are away overseas, although I would ask that they understand thsa he will have a setting in period which will be doubly difficult due to your absence and not to let that colour their judgement of him too much.

You have addressed the big issues such as making sure his yard is dog proof. What are his usual sleeping arangements? Kennel, Crate, bedding etc. Try to keep things as close to normal for him with changes being subtle (diet) and out of necessity. In the short term a tarp or similar may have to be strung up to give him some protection from the elements.

Good luck.

Thank you LizT.

My housemates have offered to look after him until I get back but I'd really prefer not. Only because I'm not sure what condition (physically & mentally) Tonka will be in when he arrives and I don't want any of the 3 boys (Tonka & my 2 housemates) to freak out when they first meet :)

Yes, agree, hadn't read your post properly. :o Boarding would be best if you need to leave him. Although you ex holding on to him for a bit longer would be even better.

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Have you brought all the essentials, Food bowl, water container, lead, collar, ( unless he comes with these) buy the food that he is already on so no upset tummies. Unless your flat mates are experienced with a large breed dog I wouldn't use that option. Is there any way you could leave him with the breeder and just pay them a boarding fee? I think its a two week wait after vaccination before you can put a dog into boarding kennels.

I bet you are so excited, I hope it just all falls into place and you have great holiday and come home to your beautiful boy.

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