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Photo Finish


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re your question about what makes a professional photographer, I would say someone who makes a living out of it. They might be lousy in some other photographers opinions, but if enough people still like their work enough to buy it and give them an income to live on then they're a professional IMO.

What makes a good photographer would be another matter entirely :laugh:

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Who's watching? After the first one I said I wouldn't bother again, just don't like the simplistic "Reality TV, competetive themed" shows I don't enjoy any of them whether it's chefs or singers or Big Brother or weight loss.

Good luck to them all - still don't like the format of the show.

Edit to add - how difficult to pick a best shot from such a shoot for a competition!! That would be agonising - and worse if it were a wedding. I mean because it is making the judging panel "the client" rather than the bride, and selecting a competition-worthy shot rather than one the bride might prefer. It would have been good to have a slower look at a best five or best ten from each of them.

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All the episodes shown so far are on iview.


weddings are incredibly stressful.

I listened to a bit of an interview on Abc radio by someone who calls herself a photo artist - so she doesn't get asked to do weddings any more.

She collects clothes around Adelaide CBD - the clothes discarded or lost by people after a night on the town... Assembles them into something that pleases her artistically and photographs it. Apparently inspired by a NY? photographer who makes whole new garments from the found clothing...

I thought Vince and Dick Smith were so gentlemanly in that first episode and the girl whose work I was completely oblivious to - wasn't helping her photographer much. But that photographer seemed to have the most idea about what she wanted to do. The others seemed overwhelmed and I couldn't watch.

There's been a couple of other shows about painting or making visual artwork by hand that I quite enjoyed but those people seemed to have some education about how to make an artwork ie they'd been to art school or equivalent.

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:eek: that was hard to watch, especially the lady shooting the ceremony, I was cringing with every shot especially when she had to change the card!

In the end I actually liked her shot the best, I thought the boy with the tie was a tiny bit blurry or I dunno something just didn't work with it. I thougt they might have showed us some of the other shots they took.

Pity it doesn't go for a bit longer.

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They were OOF and there was also motion blur - because no doubt the cameras were on auto and in low light, the ss would have been too slow. The flash made me cringe. The personality of the first girl shooting the prep stuff made me cringe. Oh god. So bad. Those kids were looking at her like she had two heads, way too OTT.

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didn't actually like any of the shots they picked as their faves, to me they had some much better stuff they shot which they showed during their shoots. I really thought the one they picked as a winner did not even say wedding to me - they boy could have been getting dressed for anything, and had thought the mother and daughter getting ready was much more touching. Also thought the colour balance being off on the shot, and so much OOF (which I think judging by her shots at that time was totally user error rather than deliberate), and just did not do it for me. For the other shooters, I think some of the candids she got during the ceremony, and that initimate shots of the couple during the dancing would have made it for me. Thought that a lot of what they showed was total crap though, either OOF, awful lighting, and no thought - just because someone says not cheesy and unposed doesn't mean you still don;t need to do a bit of work - unposed does not mean you don;t give an element of direction to ensure there is no hair in eyes, or paricularly with girls, that they don;t have certain body parts looking unflattering (thinking arms, necks etc here). Very disappointed with what I thought was going to be a great series, and has left me underwhelmed so far - I mean a couple of them were using wider angled lenses, did not have the lens hoods on, and then no doubt wondering why their initial photos were so light and overexposed - hello, the lens hood??????????

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I thought some of the pictures were better than what they ending up choosing. I couldn't get over the woman who couldn't turn her camera on. I guess it would be a stressful experience though.

Geez that woman was brave to let them photograph her wedding. I hope they gave her more than the three photos though.

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Loving all the comments...Huga you put words to my thoughts. I wonder why they chose the guest pro photographer as they did. Her photo portfolio show documentary of people: 'right of passage"...which incidentally the winning shot was in the style of...but was that the brief? I thought that was only the preferred topic of the photographer judging? Why didnt they get a pro wedding photographer to judge?

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Loving all the comments...Huga you put words to my thoughts. I wonder why they chose the guest pro photographer as they did. Her photo portfolio show documentary of people: 'right of passage"...which incidentally the winning shot was in the style of...but was that the brief? I thought that was only the preferred topic of the photographer judging? Why didnt they get a pro wedding photographer to judge?

probably because a pro wedding photographer would have cried!

Admittedly the bride seemed to like the photos though, so that's something.

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yeah, but people like stuff that Pixie Photo produce too - only because they don;t know what a better photographer would do

I agree but I'm still glad she was happy with the photos, it would have been quite sad if she wasn't.

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One good thing, well two good things to come out of lastnights show -

(a) Uncle Bob with the DSLR might realise there is a bit more to shooting a wedding than he previously thought.

(b) Bride-to-be may realise that hiring Uncle Bob (because he has a good camera and will do it for free) might not be such a good idea.


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Here we go again. I still don't like the concept (or the constant choice of shots without eyes shown). But it's a day at the races so can't resist some horse and fashion shots. Lookout Rubiton, they'll be after your job! Interesting cameras, could be fun.

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We did have a few comps at camera club when everyone used the same plastic disposable camera, really cheap plastic junk. And some of the work turned out was top level photography.

As for tonight's show, well Mum often said if you can't say something nice just say nothing. Coffee time.

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