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Indoor Toilet For Wet Weather


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Georgia isn't always keen on going out in the rain either but she has two choices.

She either goes out, does her business and comes back inside where she can stay warm when i'm out or she goes out with her coat on and stays out whilst i am gone.

As we have a verandah right round the house she is protected from the rain and wind so she's not just left out in the cold.

But it's her choice and she learnt very quickly that she would get a reward, nice treat and too come back in out of the cold if she toileted. On occasion i have had to put her leash on and take her out and wait but she usually is pretty quick.

It's not that i think she will have an accident in the house more of a worry about urinary infection if she holds on. And she will hold on for as long as possible.

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There are those absorbent wee pads for puppies - probably better than newspaper. Some come with an "attractant" too. I've seen them at Petbarn.

Mum's poodle goes under the garden table out of the rain.

One of my chis has a rubber doormat outside under cover because I have a big back awning. Not sure how she got 'trained' to a rubber doormat but it's easy to hose off etc She uses it in all weathers because she has a grass allergy. She most definitely wouldn't go out in the rain. The others don't care a jot, including the old blind chi. Lots of towel drying the last two days! Just as well I was home, not at work.

Edit to add: you need only use it in the really bad weather, not all the time. That rain was pretty violent.

Alternatively, think about the "shelter" idea as one of the other posters said.

Edited by Poppy's mum
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A good shove from behind will sent them out

:laugh: This is my method too.

Hehehee .... mine too. Putting the jacket on my boy made me feel less mean, but he 'gets it' and even though doesn't like it, will go outside in the rain if he really needs to 'go'.

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My stafford is a big sook too when it's raining. She doesn't like having to go outside but she will if I go out with her.

On a sunny day though if I get a hose out, or we go to the beach, different story - she can't get enough of the water :-)

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Having her toilet inside is definitely not my preference, but if it works for her then maybe that's what we should do.

She's good with letting us know when she wants to go outside (even when it's raining). Normally she whines by the back door, we open it and leave it open till she comes back in. With this rain though she refuses to even go outside, but keeps whining by the back door! It's winter, so i dont want to just leave it open. I dont want to just shut the door on her outside either cause i figure she'll just whine to be let back in, not let me know when she's been to the loo and ready to come back in (if that makes sense).

Then you need to go out with her so you know she has gone and so you can praise her as well for doing so.

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I walk mine outside and they are not let inside until they go to toilet. They have learnt by now they that will stay outside unless they go toilet so the faster they go, the less time they spend in the cold and wet!

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My old Stafford wouldn't go out in the rain. He would hold on for ages... He would go if I went with an umbrella that he could hide under to..

The new lad is happy to go out in the rain - about a month ago, it was horrible rain and freezing cold and I came home late in the afternoon to find the loon sitting in his clam shell that had filled up with the rain.

If it is wet or mud, he is in the middle of it.. He has earned the nickname Mud Monster..

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On this subject of peeing, even when it isnt raining i've noticed Gus will not pee unless i go out with him at night time... probably not a good thing is it.

Poor little guy is just scared of the dark. :eek: :laugh:

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On this subject of peeing, even when it isnt raining i've noticed Gus will not pee unless i go out with him at night time... probably not a good thing is it.

Poor little guy is just scared of the dark. :eek: :laugh:

Lmao, biggest biggest princess he is....... i open the back door and say "Gus toilet", he will run a little out do a uey then come back in and hide behind me..... say it again "Gus come on, Toilet" this time ill walk out with him.... he walks behind me peeking out behind my thights, quickly runs out, finds a patch then runs back in with this expression on his face like he saw a ghost.

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On this subject of peeing, even when it isnt raining i've noticed Gus will not pee unless i go out with him at night time... probably not a good thing is it.

Poor little guy is just scared of the dark. :eek: :laugh:

Max is scared of the dark, won't go at night unless I go with her. Won't even jump off the bed until I turn a light on, poor little precious thing lol

As for the wet weather peeing, she's pee pad trained so it isn't a huge issue. I still prefer her to go outside though (except in the middle of the night because I refuse to have a wet and cold puppy on the bed lol), it's only rain. It won't kill her, and it won't kill the house if she comes inside wet!

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