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Comments On Combination Of Dogs.


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Long time ago we had a Goat plus Shelties living on a suburban block in Maribyrnong and used to walk along the river with the goat on lead and 2 Shelties. Best comment ever was "Ahhh look at the baby Lassies and the ba lamb" and "what sort of dog is that"

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I got told recently buy the Pet barn guy that I "have a weird combination of dogs" thanks buddy! He also commented on the fact that I have "rare and weird" dogs... and "wow you have a few" all in the one conversation... this guy new how to offend thats for sure!!!

I have 4 x pointers who get along very well with my pug and smooth coated griffon...

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I do get quite a few comments, but mostly from dog sports people who appreciate how different it is to train a Dalmatian and a working English Springer Spaniel!


I envy you because you own the Handsome Ziggy!! his so beautiful!!... and white! hahah

Edited by TheCheekyMonster
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I have four Pomeranians, and two Afghan Hounds, and I try to change the combo all the time.

Must say, walking four Poms together tends to polarise people... either I get looks like I have Contagious Dog Hoarding Disease, or people look delighted to see my Mini-husky Sled Team...

Walking the Afghans with a Pom or two gets a range of comments too... but most people just look non-plussed, lol.

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I used to walk my dogs (Labrador & Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) and people in the dog park would said "Aww~~what a cute combo" and with my GSD adding on, people would said "How do they live together?" LOL :D

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Sometimes I would get this occasionally when I had Zeke's best buddy Jayne. He was a Jack Russell x Chui and very small and lithe looking, though you couldn't tell him that - typical little dog syndrome, though he was ten feet high. But most people actually commented on their bond together. Zeke and Jayne absolutely adored one another and most dog people could very quick see the bone between them.

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