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R.i.p Tara

Tara and Sam

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Tara - My little shadow

28 Feb 1997 - 8 th June 2012

You came into our home in April 1997 weighing a tiny 2 kilo

I always walked out the pet shop without a puppy , but for some reason you and i fell in love , you were so tiny and only 6 weeks old and all alone in that shop window ,when I asked to hold you , it was love at first sight

I tried to resist you knowing I allready had a pup at home from the dog pound , but you just wanted a cuddle

I came home with you and introduced you to our pup who was 5 months older than you and much bigger than you

you were here for only two day when you got sick :(

we were back and forwards to the vet with you and many many dollars later I started to call you my Million Dollar Baby

after months of different medications we found out you had a nasty bacteria that you arrived with from a so called Puppy Farm :(

people suggested I take you back or have you PTS , no way !

we had formed such a bond that you were rocked to sleep in my arms when you were not well , finally you started to get better

Yes you always had a tricky tummy in your early years but we managed to keep you settled , You loved your older brother Sam and gave him heaps of fun chasing each other around the back yard , He alwasy let you pinch his bones without even a attempt to get them off you , he waited for us to get them back to him

he woudl always come running to you if you squealed or got frightened over something ( even your own shadow ) lol

how I loved bath time for me , when you would come into the bathroom and pinch my socks of the floor and then waddle through the house with them in your mouth and then settle down somewhere with my socks , you never chewed them , you just snuggled into them

I didnt like seeing you in pain after you were desexed , but I knew I had to do the right thing

for just over 15 years you were alwasy nicknamed my shadow as I couldnt go far without you by my side

You and I have never spent 1 night apart from each other

How I will miss the days in the garden with you sitting near me while I did the garden

How I will miss you visiting me in the bathroom

How I will miss you being my shadow

How I will miss you sitting there waiting for me to drop some food

you and Sam were my rock when human dad was in hospital for months , you knew when I was sad and always came up to me to cuddle

When Sam passed away in Dec 2010 , I didnt thnk you would stay around as you fretted for your mate of 14 years , you were always together , constant companions he was your guidedog as you were deaf and almost blind , but you came through that eventually and I vowed that I woudl give you another companion

I needed to find the right one for you

sadly it wasnt as quick as I would have liked due to family health issues , I didnt like leavign you home alone , but I had no choice

along comes a new companion for you about 7 weeks ago , and both of you get along fine , although you did tell her who was boss to start with lol ,but became friends and followed her around

Sadly you started to get slower and slower and falling over , you did get use to being blind and deaf over the years , but you were failing with your health and could see you were not yourself with your paceing around with your Dementia

you still enjoyed your food but were losseing weight so quickly

We could have kept giving you medications to try but they only upset your tummy and we know you did not like the accidents you had inside

we spoke to the vet and after blood test your organs were failing on you

I didnt want to loose you my shadow , but we could see your quality of life was almost non exsistent

so I decided to give you your wings

I held you in my arms and gave you a favourite treat of liver

the sedation started to kick in and you snuggled closer while I kissed the top of your head and told you how much I loved you until I heard your last breath and felt your last heartbeat

I hope you felt my loving arms around you and heard me say how I love you and will miss you

It broke my heart , and I miss you allready

your bed next to me is empty :(

I had to do what was right for you , even though you gave me no sign

You were 15 years 4 months old

R.I.P Tara 8th June 2012

Run free with Sam at Rainbow Bridge

Forever in my heart Sam and Tara

You will join Sam in your resting place together when the time is right for you to be placed with him and then forever to stay together

Never to leave my side again

I miss you both so much :(


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Edited by Tara and Sam
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What an absolutely lovely tribute to your lifelong shadow .... :hug:

I hope you felt my loving arms around you and heard me say how I love you and will miss you

She did, you can be sure :)

Rest well, Tara.

Edited by persephone
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Beautiful tribute. I'm sure Tara was well aware of how much you love her and how much care you took of her. She will wait over the bridge for a family reunion.

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Oh no, I am so sorry to read this! :cry: I have tears streaming down my face! I know how much Tara meant to you. As a fellow cocker lover I know what it means to lose such a special girl as Tara. :cry:

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this devastating time. Rest easy Tara, beautiful girl. :rainbowbridge: Hugs to you T & S!!! :hug:

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