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Do Dogs Mark With Number 2's


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Some dogs mark by pooping. And if they can they poop as high as they can on a bush or fences around cricket ovals. I know a beagle and a kelpie who do this. They also pee on what they can. Both boy dogs. I've not seen a girl dog mark with poo but I suppose some might.

My dog likes to have a big scratch after either a pee or a poo. She also likes to save her poo up for when we're out. She doesn't like to go between home and the park on the foot path verges - she doesn't feel entirely safe there, but she goes pretty soon after we get to the park - if I've been keeping a regular morning routine.

If I look like I'm packing for a long car ride - she prefers to poo in the back yard. And she won't come until she's done. She wil stop mid crap to chase crows flying over the back yard - go figure.

So - how do you stop it? Yes you can stop it...

A possible way.

1. you teach your dog a word that means - go crap/pee. At home when you let your dog out for the final deposit of the night before bed - say the word when you see him go and tell him what a good dog he is. Maybe give him a treat. A lab will remember that.

2. If he gets excited about going for a walk - eg when you pick up the lead, pick up the lead, go out the back with him, and tell him the crappy word. Wait until he's crapped, and then clip the lead on for your walk. Don't start your walk until he's gone where you want him to.


You may want to make sure you feed only after a walk too. If you wait half an hour to an hour or longer after a good walk to feed - this is also thought to prevent nasty things like "bloat" which can kill a dog (bloat is more likely in larger dogs than small ones). This should have the added bonus of there being less to poo or nothing to push the poo through while you are on your walk.

Another way - this is ugly - is any time he starts to sniff or go where you don't want him to - pull his head up and move him on... watch for the nose to go down... and move him on fast. If he gets started somewhere you don't want - interupt him (eg give him a gentle push). This will make it uncomfortable for him to consider going while you're out - so hopefully he will be less likely to do it in future. But it's important - to make sure he goes before you go out and gets fed well after.

Desexing - there's lots of different opinions. Rescues and shelters will desex from 8 weeks old. They know all too often, people forget promises to desex and then the rescue just has more work to do. My dog was desexed at 8 weeks at AWL. So far so good. There can be problems with this later though eg bitches can have continence problems. Most vets seem to like about 6 months old. And the agility and sport dog people prefer to wait until the dog is 18 months old - because that allows for full bone and joint development. Dogs desexed early - like mine, can have longer legs, narrower heads, and weaker structure than ones desexed later.


As best I can tell - early desexing (at or before 6 months) can prevent some problems and increase the chance of some others. And late desexing - likewise - prevent some problems and increase the chance of others. I haven't really done a big grid comparing the different changes in chance of various health problems based on whether or not the dog is desexed.

Edited by Mrs Rusty Bucket
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I don't know about poo marking but Zeus has poop standards. He craps on the most immaculately manicured lawn he can find -- a nice big turd in the middle of the grass. It's so embarrassing for me picking up crap from this lawn. :o

Which is funny coz at the dog park he gets all bashful and craps behind the bushes so no one can see him doing it! :laugh:

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Isn't it a little too soon to desex your dog at 10 months? should have at least waited till he's full grown i guess.

Isn't that a totally subjective choice left up to the owner and their vet? I had mine done at 6 months and I'd much prefer to go off the advice of my vet then some random off the Internet.

Desexing a Pom at 6 months and desexing a large or giant breed with a hug amount of growing to do is worlds apart.

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