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So What's The Answer?


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how can dog attacks (to people and other animals) be stopped from happening in the first place.

It's not good enough to punish the owners and or dogs once the damage is done, it should never happen in the first place.

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I think more education but unfortunately some people just don't like to be educated!! Being around dogs a lot you see so many people do the stupidest things and it makes me wonder why there isn't a lot more attacks on people and other dogs. Some people are idiots plain and simple!! Has something happened? I hope you and your lot are ok?

Edited by tlc
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  • ...animals and people the warning signs of an uncomfortable dog.
  • ...children not to touch unknown dogs without permission.
  • ...children not to approach strange dogs, not to approach dogs with food or sleeping.
  • ...children not to torment dogs
  • ...dog owners to socialise their dogs well and safely.

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I'm fine but it's something I've wondered about alot, there's always posts here about close calls or attacks, so many people have dog aggressive dogs, I dont believe education will work, it's impossible to get the message through to the entire population of dog owners, and there's some who just dont agree anyway, they WANT savage dogs. :( It depresses me. I often think of Ayen Chol, an innocent child sitting in her own home killed by a dog someone thinks they have a right to own and there's no law to stop them. If BSL isn't the answer what is?

I'm not saying I agree with BSL.

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We can't cure stupid.

exactly, so how can you educate the entire population to be responsible dog owners. It will never happen.

It can but it needs money. Lots. To change behaviour you need to change attitudes. It needs sound research and campaigns akin to smoking, speeding etc.

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We can't cure stupid.

exactly, so how can you educate the entire population to be responsible dog owners. It will never happen.

It can but it needs money. Lots. To change behaviour you need to change attitudes. It needs sound research and campaigns akin to smoking, speeding etc.

sorry but I dont believe it's possible. If the government cant ensure kids leave school with basic literacy and numeracy skills how can the entire population all be taught to have the same beliefs about responsible dog ownership and dog handling?

We had someone posting here a couple of days ago worried about her thuggish neighbour who lets his dogs roam, you think education is going to change him?

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It would be nice to see the government step in and do a safety campaign like they do with drink driving and drugs but with dogs...

How to stuff like in shmoos post #3

Wouldn't it be nice if all dog owners had to attend a minimum intro training class..

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It would be nice to see the government step in and do a safety campaign like they do with drink driving and drugs but with dogs...

How to stuff like in shmoos post #3

Wouldn't it be nice if all dog owners had to attend a minimum intro training class..

But even with all the campaigns we still have drunk drivers killing people, we still have a massive drug problem.

If people dont want BSL to fully come into force then they need to come up with something better than just saying we need to educate. I'm sorry but it wont be enough.

Edited by Kirislin
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We can't cure stupid.

exactly, so how can you educate the entire population to be responsible dog owners. It will never happen.

It can but it needs money. Lots. To change behaviour you need to change attitudes. It needs sound research and campaigns akin to smoking, speeding etc.

sorry but I dont believe it's possible. If the government cant ensure kids leave school with basic literacy and numeracy skills how can the entire population all be taught to have the same beliefs about responsible dog ownership and dog handling?

We had someone posting here a couple of days ago worried about her thuggish neighbour who lets his dogs roam, you think education is going to change him?

I didn't say the government would DO it :laugh: Just explaining what you need to do based on science and psychology to make a difference.

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It would be nice to see the government step in and do a safety campaign like they do with drink driving and drugs but with dogs...

How to stuff like in shmoos post #3

Wouldn't it be nice if all dog owners had to attend a minimum intro training class..

But even with all the campaigns we still have drunk drivers killing people, we still have a massive drug problem.

If people dont want BSL to fully come into force then they need to come up with something better than just saying we need to educate. I'm sorry but it wont be enough.

Yes we do still have drunk drivers and drug issues but at least we are all more aware of these things today than we were 20 years ago when there was nothing about them.

We need education but sadly you can't and won't change some people and the way they see dogs. But hopefully you could get the point across to others and this would hopefully reduce the incidence of dog attacks...

I don't know what the answer is... I am not sure there is one answer to resolve the whole problem.

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You still see pitty x young dogs in pounds. If people had followed the BSL laws and de-sexed their dogs, the breed would be almost gone now.

I am also NOT against pitbulls, they're lovely dogs and my daughter was in the video made here a few years back with her nans dog. :thumbsup: A 70 + nan with an elderly pitbull and she was harassed by her council.

Obviously the ones that are still out there breeding are the morons who want the tough dogs and probably don't care what they do to make the dog that way or think of the consequences. These morons will always be around, I think you're fighting a loosing battle to wish otherwise.

Any breed of dog taught violent actions from a young age will have it in-ground in them and the chances of ever removing those lessons would be pretty slim. Pity we couldn't take whatever choice of training device they use on the dogs to become aggressive and use it on the owners instead. :mad

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how can dog attacks (to people and other animals) be stopped from happening in the first place.

It's not good enough to punish the owners and or dogs once the damage is done, it should never happen in the first place.

No, but harsher punishment will make many think twice about their responsibilities as dog owners.

Too many idiots get off with a slap on the wrist, don't/can't/wont contain/control their dogs. Too many victims don't bother to complain because they feel nothing will come of it. I think there needs to be a consequence to make a difference.

I don't support BSL, but I do support harsher fines and consequences for serial and serious offenders - the owners, not the dogs.

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how can dog attacks (to people and other animals) be stopped from happening in the first place.

It's not good enough to punish the owners and or dogs once the damage is done, it should never happen in the first place.

No, but harsher punishment will make many think twice about their responsibilities as dog owners.

Too many idiots get off with a slap on the wrist, don't/can't/wont contain/control their dogs. Too many victims don't bother to complain because they feel nothing will come of it. I think there needs to be a consequence to make a difference.

I don't support BSL, but I do support harsher fines and consequences for serial and serious offenders - the owners, not the dogs.

I do think increasing fines for repeat offenders is the only way to try and stop the wrong people owning dogs- but once again it doesn't really stop the dogs being out on the street in the first place.

I think that generally the culture that we have- where dog ownership is a right, not privilege is only going to mean this continues.

There is also an increasing demographic of people who have nothing to do with dogs- not even a small amount of contact as children to allow them to know the basics of body language, and some of these people are then going out and buying a dog for the first time with no experience and not knowing their responsibilities. We need to target the right information to the right demographic so they listen, rather than write of the info as not relevant to them....

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people get away lightly with murder, harsher penalities won't stop the idiots.

It really needs to be drummed into people that dogs, of all breeds, sizes and ages, have the capacity to bite.

No, not all. But perhaps a few which is better than nothing.

My neighbours know their dogs get out, they know that their dogs show aggressive behaviour towards both dogs and humans, yet they still leave the gates open and blame it on the kids.

No one bothers to call the ranger any more as nothing comes of it. He comes out here, dogs run back on to property, he can't take them from their yard so leaves.

These dogs have gone at my own dog on several occasions. The owners are well aware of this.

Last week one of these dogs attacked two small on leash dogs as they passed the house on the opposite side of the road. No physical damage done and I doubt it was reported.

Over the weekend the same dog charged at, chased, snapped and growled at my 11 year old niece as she tried to cross the road in front of my house. The poor kid was left terrified and crying, too scared to return home. This time I DID make a formal complaint - the ranger will 'talk to them'. What good will that do? Perhaps if they were given a large fine each and every time the dogs were out they might think more carefully about containing their dogs. Perhaps if that were the case it never would have reached this level?

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