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Removing Poo/ Smell From Carpet.

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We've never had a house with carpet before, so I've no idea what to do.

But a few times this week I've walked into the only carpeted room to see poo there :(

Even worse is that she seems to have an upset tummy, so it's not been easy to clean up. Gross.

Only plus side is the carpet is old, threadbare and brown.

What can I do to get rid of the smell, to stop her toileting there again?

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We've never had a house with carpet before, so I've no idea what to do.

But a few times this week I've walked into the only carpeted room to see poo there :(

Even worse is that she seems to have an upset tummy, so it's not been easy to clean up. Gross.

Only plus side is the carpet is old, threadbare and brown.

What can I do to get rid of the smell, to stop her toileting there again?

After removing the solids, mix up a paste of Drive or Biozet washing powder and rub in - but beware it may take the color out so you might want to patch test first. I find it works every time and it's a relatively cheap and easily available solution. :)

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Not sure if its possible but I tend to put something over the area/block access for a few days after clean up too. Even just a chair over it tends to give the area enough time to air and be less appealing.

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It's possible that the carpet already has residual odours from a previous resident's pet - perhaps hire a carpet shampoo machine or steam cleaner and use dissolved BioZet (as westiemum mentioned) as the "shampoo" over the whole carpet, or (less effective) a 50% solution of white vinegar.

Then keep on hand one of the made-for-purpose Enzyme cleaners; Nature's Miracle, Urine-Off etc.etc. to remove all traces of the scent without danger of spot bleaching the carpet for any future emergencies. Certainly not as cheap as the Bio-Zet but I find that 500ml goes a very long way.

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We use a bacterial spray like this one- http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/BACELIM?sc=9&category=162637

Clean the area of any solids very thoroughly (but without using any cleaning products, just paper towel and then chux cloths) and then soak the area with the spray. Give it a few hours, go back and resoak the area, using a scrubbing brush to lift the pile of the carpet to make sure you get it all. Leave it to dry overnight and then go back and clean with a regular disinfectant, using paper towel to dry it so that the carpet doesn't get marked by the water.

We had a hound vomit up half a kilo of chicken necks onto our cream-coloured carpet and this method of cleaning got the area spotless, no smell at all left behind (besides the smell of the disinfectant, not much to be done about that).

We also use the spray on dog bedding- our dogs like to eat in their beds (rollie eyes guy goes here) and on coats before washing them. It's also actually safe for use on animals.

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Febreeze is great to get rid of the pet smell on carpets-I use it here and it make such a difference!!

I do hate carpet though-I want to rip it out on a daily basis

My thoughts exactly we hoping to build a house next year and I'm not having carpets!!

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