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Hi Guys, I have another dilemma and I really cant make up my mind, I have been very fickle for a long while about my photography and now just deciding which way to go. In the interim, I sold my Nikon D80, it was a great camera and taught me a lot but I had been wanting to upgrade for a while. I did have a moment when I thought I might jump ship and go Canon as I really liked the 7D but The moment passed. :laugh: I do think Canon cameras are awesome and will probly end up with a G1X in the very close future.

I got a Samsung NX11 which was a great camera, some of you may have seen This thread and then This thread

So the saga continued and the camera has played up for months and already been sent away once and they supposedly put a new motherboard and upgraded the software only to have it play up again a week after getting it back from Samsung. So I am hoping to get a credit back for it and not have to have a new one as I am really worried the same thing will happen again. If they give me a credit I will definatley get the G1X, as much as I love Nikon the Canon G1X in the CSC range is just awesome!

Anyway in the mean time I am on the search for which is the best DSLR for me, I thought I would be able to make do with CSC but you just can't beat an SLR!! So I am tossing up between the D7000 or spending a bit more and getting the D700 or D800 I think the D7000 will be just right for me but I can't stop the pull towards the D700/800 I need some level heads to steer me in the right direction! Pros and Cons please, any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Another thing I am wondering is what class of SD card do you guys use? I just got a couple of class 10, I was previoulsy only using class 4. Pity I don't have a camera to use them in. :cry:

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Thanks for the input, the sd card has a little half circle with a number in it, that number apparently determines the speed or class of the card, (not sure if thats the right explanation)

Ah the full frame, yes I know that's the biggest difference and I think because I haven't had it that if I opt for the D7000 I wont know any difference. The D7000 is the one directly below the D300/700/800 and your right the D800 is a replacment for the D700 so already they have stopped manufacturing them and they are only available if there is stock left about in shops.

How have you found the weight of the D700? I have a dicky wrist (3 breaks in the same spot) so the weight can be a bit of an issue depending on what I am shooting.

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You'll be using CF cards, Snook - that's the only thing the D700 takes. My D300s takes CF and SD.

Honestly, the D700 is a lot of camera. And the D800 is even more (stupidly massive file sizes). I think Gapvic has the D7000, so she might pop her head in. I have heard good things about that camera.

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Thanks Huga, I appreciate your input, I knew there was someone with the D7000 and now you have said I remembered it was Gapvic, hope she pops in.

The file size is another issue for me, well I shouldn't say its an issue, I guess it is easy to get external hard drives to store files on, but the D800 is a huge jump in price and I really want to determine if I need it or not, I don't think I do, I am not planning on doing any shooting on a semi pro level and if I do it would only be for friends, work etc like I did with my D80 and I found the ones who I did shoots for were always happy with my work even from my D80. So I think a D7000 would serve me well for those occasions.

The other question is do I buy body only or one with a kit lense, it comes with 18 - 105 which I think would be ok and maybe get a 50mm 1.4 or 1.8, I love my 50mm, probly should have kept it but sold it with my D80.

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That's the thing too I definatley want this camera to be with me for a good many years and while I don't think I will go down the pro road, it would be nice to still be able to do the occasional shoot for someone else if I want to, and I definatley think the D7000 is capable of that if need be. I even shot a wedding once with my D80 :eek: I know crazy right, the people whose wedding it was were friends of mine and did not have enough $$ for a pro photographer, I did not want to do it and they said if I didn't they were going to give the guests throw away cameras to take photos with. :laugh:

So as nervous as hell and on a very bright day on the beach I went and took photos for them, I was a nervous wreck! I could never ever be a wedding photographer, you only get one shot at it, I just don't know how the pros do it! So nerve racking!!

Anyway I took a lot of photos and got quite a few good ones that they were happy with so it all worked out ok but never again. I've also done some shoots of dogs for a few people at my obedience school and they were all wrapped with the shots, (mainly portrait style) So I think the D7000 would be fine if I want to partake in anything like this again.

Can you see I am really trying to talk myself out of the D800. I really think the D7000 will do what I need it too. But on the other hand I don't want to get it and then wish I had of got the D800, see how fickle I am, I'm driving my self crazy!

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The D7000 is more than enough camera, I reckon. Save the dough and invest in good glass.

My Canon 40D is still kickin' ass after how many years? The D7000 will last you well.

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Thanks Kristin, I appreciate your input. I think you are right and this is what I need to hear to steer me in the right direction also your not the first one to say that.

Is the 50mm a good choice for a prime lens or would there be a better one that would suit a more wider variety of subjects, some action and portrait shots?

Your right Snook and when I get to a bigger town with bigger variety I will do, not much here, our local HN does not have either instore. :(

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I went from the D80 to the D7000 in March :D . I still have my old camera as I'm a bit sentimental, but I haven't used it since getting the D7000 and have now lent it to a friend to use. I found the D7000 a big step up for me from the D80. While most of the buttons are in the same spot, there are a whole lot more. And I've found the focus a bit tricky. But I absolutely love the camera and can't see myself outgrowing it any time soon.

I have the 50mm 1.4 which I use all the time... it basically lives on my camera. When I got the D7000 I bought the body only as I kept all my lenses knowing they'd fit the new camera.

My parents have always been Canon users and since playing around with my new Nikon, they went and got one too :) .

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Thanks so much for popping in, that's good to know there is a big difference from the D80 to the D7000, tell me about the tricky focus bit, does it have auto focus? I have just downloaded a couple of books about it so will have a read tonight.

What did your parents get? same one?

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Yeah, parents got the D7000 too :) .

There are so many more focus points than on the D80 which makes it a little more demanding to get right. But you can reduce the number you use, and yes, it does have auto focus. If you don't like to shoot in manual it has many more pre-set options than the D80 (autumn colour, pet portrait, night portrait etc). I haven't used any of these so am not sure what they are like.

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I love my D700, I made the switch from Canon 7D to the D700 about a month ago, don't regret a thing.

Can push the camera so far in lowlight, it's fantastic!

It is a whole lot of camera like Huga said.

I still find myself flicking through the manual as things are different from the Canon.

If you think the D7000 will be enough for you then go ahead with that and maybe get yourself a good lens with the difference.

I wouldn't be without my 50mm 1.8, it's a great everyday lens :)

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Thanks so much for the info, do you do any professional shoots or personal use only?

I think I am closer to making up my mind now and getting just a little bit excited! :laugh:

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Thanks MM, I loved my 50mm on my D80 so I am sure that is one I will go with! Im looking forward to having a read of the book I got about the D7000.

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I'd go the 50mm, too, even though I personally don't use mine much at all anymore. It is a very versatile and crisp lens (for both Nikon & Canon) and it's one of those you really do want in your kit forever :thumbsup:

Oh, and I don't mean to crash the thread - I currently have Canon gear but I'm not a fanboi of any manufacturer & do try to keep up with current technology so I can make good choices when I need to. ;)

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Crash away Kristin, I really appreciate you popping in, I actually thought my title may have been a little bit too exclusive, think I will change it! :laugh: Earlier on I had a little compact canon, one of the ixus range (not a cheap one) and it was the best compact camera ever till it died and went to heaven. :laugh: I was very hard on that little beast and it withstood a lot! I replaced it with a compact Nikon and boy was I sorry about that, worst compact I have ever had, not even as god as my very first fuji finepix (2mp) :laugh: I really love both Nikon and Canon and It was a hard decision originally when I got my first DSLR, it came down to how each one felt in my hand in the end, I just couldn't decide. I liked the way the nikon felt to hold and the way the controls were set out.

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Yeah I love my Canon 7D but thinking of possibly going to 5D for full frame.... But all this talk of the D700 has me reeeeeeeally interested!

I'm in a similar thing, I've only Had my DSLR since January.... But debating whether to just upgrade or switch brands BEFORE I invest in more lenses! Gotta gets my hands on one of these Nikon things ;)

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hehe not that I'm disputing any of the claims coz the D700 is a kickass camera & lord knows that 5DII AF had a few niggles :laugh: , but it IS the Nikon guy so I certainly wouldn't expect the Canon model to come out on top ;)

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Well I just had a call from Harvey Norman this morning and they are giving me a credit, so while I decide which DSLR to get they are ordering me a Canon G1X, I have felt like i am missing an arm with out a decent camera, its no SLR but it will be sufficient in the interim. I can't wait! I was thinking to myself this morning, I should not have sold my D80 then I thought well thats stupid i really wanted to upgrade anyway so its all good!

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