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You can hook the 7D up to the pc I believe, but I use a CF reader, so much easier :) I have one 16GB and one 8GB and find that is plenty for what I do. I shoot in RAW too and the 16GB gives me close to 600 shots - bear in mind that you can get different speed cards as well, eg faster write speeds if you plan on doing action shots with lots of continuous shooting.

The 50mm is an excellent lens, but I have to admit since getting the 17-70, the 50mm hasn't been on the camera so much.

I purchased my body from dwi and most lenses from B&H (except sigmas). I took the 'risk' of buying a grey import as the price was so much cheaper at the time. I had a malfunctioning AF on my Tamron zoom, but B&H made it so easy to get a replacement that it was no problem :)

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Thanks so much for all the info and for putting up with all my questions. Geez once you start looking at all the different lenses and what they can do is amazing!

CC, why do you think you like the 17 - 70 more than the 50mm is it just that you have a bit more range?

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The low light thing is not really an issue, I do want to avoid the kit lenses if I can but if it means the difference of having another option I might have to go that way if I don't want to spend any more money, if that makes sense? Possibly the 50mm and the 28 - 135 might be a good combo, more so than the 50mm and the 15 - 85?

copied this bit from MMs other thread

Thing is I love taking the portrait shots of the dogs but my passion lies with the action shots and i think the 7D will do both easily but it may do the action just slightly better than the D7000. Well thats what I am hoping!

One thing I do want to point out is the extraordinary difference between kit lenses and the more expensive lenses. It's not just image quality that is superior but how fast the lens is with focusing and then shooting. Even on my 1000D, the most basic of the basic, the difference between my kit lens and the Canon 70-200mm I borrowed from a friend was amazing. The faster lens would have been worth it on that basis alone. I was absolutely floored by the number of action shots I took that I completely nailed compared to how many I was nailing with the kit lens and I could actually hear and feel how much faster it was while I was shooting. In my opinion, there is little point in getting a camera like the 7D that is designed for awesome auto-focus and fast shutter speeds if you're going to put a slow kit lens on it. It really seems to defeat the purpose. Just my opinion of course and feel free to ignore me. I just thought I'd share because if I hadn't tried a fast lens on my old camera I never would have realised how much difference that alone would make, let alone the difference with that and a body upgrade.

you worded it so much better than I did, but this is what I was trying to say.

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I dont think I'd currently buy a camera body from the grey market sellers. Once upon a time I was all for them but currently if you get slugged import duty of an extra 10% they aren't really any cheaper.

Check online for the lowest price you can find, it might be with Camera Pro and then approach your local camera store to see if they'll price match. Also check with a company called Kogan, they seem to have cheap prices on some lenses and bodies but I'm not sure if they grey. I saw the little nifty fifty there for $99. You might still find it worthwhile to buy the lenses grey but the camera body from a retailer. Good luck with what ever you choose to get.

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Just to confuse you even more, have you considered the 60D? I have a friend who recently bought it and she uses it to photograph football matches, so some fast action there, although cant compare to whippets, but she gets some amazing shots. She upgraded from a 400D and is thrilled with its performance. Camera pro has if for $825 currently.

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Yeah TLC, you can pick up the 50mm f1.8 at JB HiFi for around $100 too. I love it, and couldn't convince myself that to start with the extra expense of the 50mm f1.4 was worth it! Not to mention it's cheap!

I purchased my camera bodies through Kogan! As that was around the time that imports were being picked up from DWI and taxes charged.

I have a 8gb and 32gb card. My 32gb gives me about 1200 shots when shooting RAW, and on a whippet race day I've been known to take 900+ photos, as it's all high speed continuous. I just plug my camera into the computer... I don't think opening it up to get the CF card is any faster, and I prefer not to move cards too much (just a personal opinion). As now I use my iMac for editing, the cord is always plugged in.

I agree with Kirislin, I purchased my camera for the same reason as her... to capture high speed whippets - and they are bloody fast! It does do a brilliant job of this with it's 8fps. Though initially a photographer friend did recommend that I go for the 5D for the full frame capacity.


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Thanks guys, I thinking read somewhere that the 5D is no where near as good as the 7D for action shots, it might have been Shell who mentioned that, I think she has both.

I don't really understand about the import thing is there somewhere on the net that explains it Is it imported stuff and then the warranty is different? Are they all made at the same place? Sorry I sound dumb, I will more than likely buy from our local but getting them to price match is a great idea and they are usually pretty reasonable.

I also joined POTN last night so I've been having fun trawling trough threads on there too!

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Thanks guys, I thinking read somewhere that the 5D is no where near as good as the 7D for action shots, it might have been Shell who mentioned that, I think she has both.

I don't really understand about the import thing is there somewhere on the net that explains it Is it imported stuff and then the warranty is different? Are they all made at the same place? Sorry I sound dumb, I will more than likely buy from our local but getting them to price match is a great idea and they are usually pretty reasonable.

I also joined POTN last night so I've been having fun trawling trough threads on there too!

Grey market is when you buy from an online seller like DWI who warehouse their cameras OS (I think) Although they offer a warranty it's not the Canon warranty. If something went wrong you might have to post the camera back to them at your own cost, to Hong Kong or where ever and it might not be repaired by Canon. I used to think the savings were worth the risk but I dont anymore because customs have cracked down on imports and anything over $1000 attracts a 10% import duty which then makes their prices not much better than buying from an Australian retailer, assuming you've tracked down a good price, and with the Aussie retailer you get the Canon warranty.

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Thanks for the explanation, I understand now. Think I would rather buy local even if I have to pay extra $

Is canons warranty 2 years the same as Nikon, I did a search and some sites say one some say two?

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Well I have changed my mind again, My OH has said he will buy me the 50mm for my birthday so I can get another lens when I get the camera, but heres the dilemma, I need to buy locally as I will probably be putting part of the price on finance so have to go with the local prices although I will get them to price match if i can. I want a good multi purpose lens (good for action dogs jumping etc) on a budget of about $700. I looked at the 24 - 70 which I would love or the 70 - 200 but both a little over my price range. Can anyone recommend any others that would do the job? Better than just the kit lenses?

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Yeah TLC, all my beach shots and whippet racing shots are all done with the 70-200mm f4. Mine doesn't have the IS and I've not found it any issue. When shooting dogs running, you're using such a fast shutter speed that i dont think you need the IS.

I'm not looking to upgrade this lens at all to the f2.8, I don't see the need as I shoot outdoors!

You won't regret it... I just find I want something with a bit more reach! But as the dogs race in a circle I use mostly the 70-100mm portion of my lens to capture them, and crop if I need to.

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I'm really appreciating all the feedback in this thread! Thanks so much. I went into HN tonight to pick up my G1X it is awesome! I'm in love with it already :laugh: I'll have a crack at some pics tomorrow and post a couple here, hope the sun is shining!

I finally got to hold the 7D wow. I can't wait till I can get mine! The body only price in the shop said just over $1700 but when I asked them the price he said it wasn't right and looked it up and said it is just over $1300, I'm happy with that, the 50m 1.8 is only $149 and he was looking into the price of the 70 - 200 as all they had on their system was the IS one and it was $1199 which I thought wasnt bad so I'm hoping the non IS one is lots cheaper!

M&Dm your right about probly not needing the IS, I mainly only plan to use the 70 - 200 outside in good light so I think it will be all good, a lot of the forums say for action if they have IS they turn it off anyway!

HN also gave me a $70 discount off my G1X :thumbsup:

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The Guy at HN rang me today with the price of the non IS version and it was just under $1000 with the IS version being $1199 so if I can I might get the IS version. He also said to me he thinks the 7D will come down a bit more in price in the next couple of months! :thumbsup: good for me.

M&Dm with your 70 - 200 can you fit a filter right on or do you need an adapter? It's a 67mm yea?

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Oh I meant to add, I've only snapped a couple of inside shots today, the weather been crappy and I have been busy moving 3 of my bedrooms around. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and il have a good crack!

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The Guy at HN rang me today with the price of the non IS version and it was just under $1000 with the IS version being $1199 so if I can I might get the IS version. He also said to me he thinks the 7D will come down a bit more in price in the next couple of months! :thumbsup: good for me.

M&Dm with your 70 - 200 can you fit a filter right on or do you need an adapter? It's a 67mm yea?

Now that's one lens that is alot cheaper if you were to buy grey market and still might be worth considering, DWI has it for $702

or maybe even this one http://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/store/product.asp?idProduct=726 which would give you more reach.

I see at the top of their page they are saying they offer a legitimate manufacturers warranty, I've never seen that before and am not 100% what they mean as they're grey market sellers as far as I know.

Edited by Kirislin
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