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My First Ever Maternity Shoot


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I don't usually shoot maternity, I'm not that into light and bright, I like darker and moodier. But I think there is a very fine line between maternity and trashy maternity boudoir (vom), so I've steered clear of it. Until I was asked (well, begged) to do this one. Still not sure if I like it. It was a good day for dark and moody - nearly dark when we shot this at 4.30pm :eek:


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there is something really intrigueing about this shot.

Maybe it's partly because her face can't be seen, but its more than that. I feel that the way she's sitting really speaks about those late stages of pregnancy, the tiredness, because it feels like she's just getting out of bed... but also something about the way she's siting makes me think of the impending labour.

Sorry, I think what I've said is a bit arty farty, but I didn't mean it to be, I just found that the pic was really spoke to me :)

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Thank you Raineth! That was lovely to hear :D

A friend messaged me lastnight to say that she felt like the mother was sort of showing the baby the big bad world (as she is facing a window).

Here is another (with a head!):


It was super dark. Still chuffed with how the D700 performs in low light.

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I love it too :)

The light really puts that gorgeous bump at centre-stage. Then I notice her head position, and her face, the closed (or nearly closed?) eyes and it to me it is very inward looking; like all her attention is on that little baby growing inside.

The fact that she's not looking out the window is really good. Its kind of what I'd expect her to be doing, and the fact that she is not doing that adds a lot of meaning and feeling.

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Love the 2nd one, the first one, if it was me, I would crop off about a 1/3 from the right, so it is more on the bump, the arms at the back bother me as they are chopped, and the arm furthest away from the camera looks a little wierd JMHO

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