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C&c - Thoughts?


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Hey there Photopro's

I took a zillion photos this weekend of the whippet races.... but there are a few that I was kinda happy with... but am wondering if I've done the right thing in Lightroom when processing them. I only did minimal but am curious to hear your thoughts, whether I should leave it, up the ante?

These are two photos of the same dog, very sweet who has a deformity and therefore cannot run like a whippet can! I was trying to capture some 'in the moment' shots for her owners.

I am aware that I chopped her ear off in the head shot (grrrr) and the background of her body shot isn't the most appealing....

okay, here goes

Bindy - head study


Bindy from the back


I'm open to thoughts from everyone!!

Thanks in advance!

Meagan :)

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The both look fine on my monitor. The first one is a bit awkward, so I would probably turf that one.

I actually really like the dog in the background of the second - has that one been cropped? I would probably give it a go in b&w and try to bring out the dog in the background a bit more.

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The exposure etc looks fine here, too.

I'd try black & white just to see if you get more "feeling" into the images with a different process.

#2 - I either want to know what Bindy is looking at so need more of the dog in the background or I want to want to know what she's looking at so need less of the dog in the background.

I think you have some overall better images on your flickr (the flying shot of #8 is great!), but maybe not of this dog? It sounds like you know what isn't working in the images, so that's great for next time!

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Thanks for all your thoughts! Much appreciated! Yes in the second shot she was on her way back towards her owners and their other dog. I will re-look at the original, though from memory it was tightly shot.

Kja, just trying to figure out which photo you are referring to...

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for some reason facebook won't let me put a link in :( I think it's kinda in the middle of the set? She's wearing pink and is fully extended off the ground, coming at you.

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Ahhh that is Mysty! Yes different dog! Hehe! Glad you like that photo Kristin! Flickr... Facebook same diff :D

It's funny what photos people like out of the sets! Sometimes it's the ones I barely gave a second glance too, like this one of Mysty that you mentioned!


I added it so people can see which one you referred to.


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