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Nikon D7000 And Focus Issues


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I've been having great difficulty with the focus of my camera when using the remote. When doing the self portraits, I'd have to place an object where I would be and focus on that, then remove the object and take the picture. But at least half would still be out of focus. Very frustrating! I could move around in the frame, closer to the camera or further away, and it would refuse to focus on me but remain "locked". Yet at some, seemingly random times, it would work.

Reading the manual didn't help shed any light on the issue.

I've finally found out what the issue is and thought I'd share it here for any other Nikon users who may have had the same problem. When the camera is set to remote, you need to make sure that the green focus indicator is off before you take the pic. If it is on, then the focus will remain locked no matter how many times you use the remote. If the green light is off then the remote will focus the camera :thumbsup: .

I'm looking forward to having less frustrating sessions with my remote in the future :o

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I only just seen this, glad you figured out what the problem was. I've been doing a lot of reading about the D7000 and there is so many threads on whirlpool and dpreview about focusing issues, mostly after the camera was first released. I'm hoping now they have ironed the bugs out. You haven't had yours for very long have you? What lenses do you have and can you tell me is your remote a cord free one? Sorry so many questions, still trying to decide if this camera is for me.

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From what I understand a lot of what you read about the focus issues with this camera are actually user issues. I've only had mine since March.

I mostly use the Nikkor 50mm on it but also use the 70-300mm, and a Sigma 90mm macro. My remote is a non genuine wireless one. I've got two, both different brands but both for Nikon, and both work perfectly. I got them for about $8 from ebay and would be completely lost without them.

Here is a pic I took yesterday - it seems sharp enough (and in focus) to me :)


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Certainly no focus issues there! and the colours are great, have you edited this shot at all? Could you pop a couple more up if its not too much trouble?

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