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Things To Try/do With My Camera...


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Seeing as my car is in dire need of some serious attention from my mechanic, and he can't fit it in until next Wednesday... I'm stranded at home this weekend...

My primary computer is also dead, my backup computer is on loan to a friend, and I'm reduced to using my old and crappy lappy with no decent software on it to do anything fancy... grrr! I do have my Canon cd's though, so can load up that software if needed.

Thinking about maybe doing some exploring of my camera(s) - 450D and 60D - rather than lying on the couch watching TV and wallowing in my own self pity... *grin*

What I find hard is getting started - so any ideas from you wonderful people would be great. The weather is supposed to be sunny but windy here tomorrow, and Sunday will be showery... *sigh*

Please give me some ideas... please...


Edited by tdierikx
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Ideas like a theme of what or how to shoot?

- macro

- pick a colour

- shadows

- reflections

- motion

- geometry

- wide open

- rule of thirds

- verticals

- common objects seen uncommonly

- pick a plant and do a series (or any subject), get your funky on

- stand on a ladder

- lay on your belly

- shoot to crop square or 2:1/3:1

Edited by kja
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I like to experiment and see how far I can push my camera. Best to try in low light. Bump the iso, see how far it can go. Shoot wide open, see how far before everything is too soft. Take your shutter speed down and see how far you can go before you get camera shake.

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This crappy lappy is giving me the poops... screen res 1024x768 max... grrr! Not happy when I've gotten used to a 23" screen with 1980 res... and can't attach the big screen to the lappy because it has a digital cable and the lappy has an analog connection - and no analog cable to be found (I searched everywhere)...

Loaded up the Canon software (DPP etc), upgraded DPP to latest, etc... still can't really tell what is going on when looking at this crappy screen... even when playing with the HDR functions. Everything looks crap... *sob*

Going to go get all of the dead PC's here and see if I can build one decent working one. Not a good look for a PC tech to have no decent PC... *grin*

Might even lug over the old 19" analog screen to add to whatever PC I get working - even more screen space... yeah!


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So much for building one working computer... all of the dud ones here seem to have the same issue... faulty motherboards... *sigh*

Looks like I'm going to have to get my one working spare PC back from the friend who "borrowed" it last year...


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Just rang my friend - she's out and won't be home until later. But she will feed me tonight and I'll swap her this laptop for my decent PC. she only uses the computer for email and netbanking, and the lappy will do that for her just fine. I just don't want to leave her without a computer...


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My friend rang me back - she's swinging by here soon and we are going to buy her a new computer so I can have my old one back... yay!!!<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(238, 242, 247); "><br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(238, 242, 247); ">T.


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Finally have my spare computer back - and up and running nicely with the 23" screen... just have a few little adjustments to do and will be all good to set up the Canon software and see what transpires with my various pics taken in RAW (first time using RAW) today...

For tonight I think I'll just load up the latest AV program then call it a night... *yawn*

Tomorrow I can play... yay!


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I have had some awesome fun with light painting, I love it. Kirislin I remember that challenge it was one of my favorites!

This was one of my favorite shots.


Doesn't look as good as the original.

I also loved doing light trails but you have to pick a good spot for it.

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Hmmm... thinking I may need to either get better at pointing the camera, or find out exactly how to work this DPP software...

Here's what I have so far...











The only one I'm even vaguely happy with is the first pic...


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Did you play with the sliders, the brightness, contrast, saturation, WB etc and try sharpening? There's lots you can do.

You can check where your focus point was too, although I've found it often says the shot was in focus when clearly it wasn't :confused:

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You have some nice flowers :) Seems you & the camera haven't yet agreed what you need to be in focus :p I know that problem! :(

One thing I do when disappointment gets too much ... is breathe...find something which does NOT sway in the wind, or wobble when touched .. go to jpeg setting and take a dozen or so photos ..using different focus points ...then have a look at what worked best for you .

Focus is the thing that lets me down ...and all the post production can't really fix it .

I love the bokeh in this one, and the nice sharp yellow flowers :)


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Kirislin - I played about with all sorts of sliders... on different tabs too... *grin*

How do you check where your focus point was in DPP? Maybe I should read the manual for it to find out what I can actually do with it, yes? I was just fiddling about really...

persephone - all of the flowers (except the one you liked) are my neighbour's flowers. The one you liked is actually on a weed "tree" thing in my yard... and that is what it did in response to being poisoned - bloody thing decided to flower rather than die... lol! And that one was actually the one that wobbled in the wind the most.. *sigh*

I have a Tamron 18-270mm lens on this 60D - and for the life of me I can't work out how to adjust the focus on it - it has a 9 point system, and I'd rather some less if possible...

I have a total of 3 lenses here - a Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS with broken AF (manual works though), a Canon EF-S 55-250 IS, and the Tamron 18-270mm DiII VC PZD. I should really test all of them on the 60D to see what I favour the most for different "jobs", yes?

Maybe when I have some money, I can get a nice Macro lens too...


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