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Body Talk (for Animals)


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BodyTalk for Animals and BodyTalk Access for Animals

Like any other living organism, animals - both domesticated and wild - are vulnerable to stress. As is the case with human beings, exposure to stress can lead to disease and malfunctioning within an animal's body. The understanding that animals deserve their own type of BodyTalk inspired the evolution of BodyTalk for Animals. Practitioners who have been working with BodyTalk for animals, invariably report that animals usually respond to the sessions even more dramatically than humans.

Like BodyTalk, BodyTalk for Animals is designed to re-establish good communication within an animal's body. BodyTalk for Animals supports the resynchronization of the animal's internal systems to provide fluid communication between the various components of the body, thus keeping the body sound and less vulnerable to disease. BodyTalk for Animals, which is more oriented to the animal professional, can be used on domestic animals or on wild animals alike As the sessions are done by "short-distance", there is no hands-on contact with the animal, thus making it safe for the animal and the BodyTalk for Animals practitioner.

BodyTalk Access for Animals, for pet and domestic animal owners, is an easy-to-learn sequence of techniques, based on the original BodyTalk Access program, which can be used by animal owners on their own animals to maintain health and to heal more quickly in a fast aid situation.

More info on this can be found at www.bodytalksystem.com

I have a friend in Canada who's doing this and getting great results, both in areas like reproduction and in training. I"m wondering if there would be any interest for seminars or such?

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