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Need Some Advice With My Rescue Dog

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So you think maybe a touch of greyhound? He can run like the wind so maybe you're right :)

I'm really hoping he does well at obedience and can do agility. I really want to do agility, he better like it!!lol.

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Poor buddy is sick again. Diarrhea and vomiting in the night, another vet visit, needle, antibiotic. Is now asleep in bed, has been lethargic all morning poor darling.

Appears to have food intolerance, I gave him a roo bone on weds. Will be back on restricted diet for 1-2 months. He has lost about 500g since his last vet visit, the vet doesn't want to see him any skinnier.

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Aww Buddy is adorable!!!

I don't think he looks too skinny in those photos- he looks like a healthy labrador should look. Sorry to hear he is unwell again :(

If he does well on dry food alone- that's what I would be feeding him. Not all dogs do well on a raw diet or with bones. I cannot give my labrador bones and her diet is only dry dog food, she is still perfectly healthy and has great teeth.

You sound like you are doing the right thing re the separation anxiety. I also find that my labrador is a one person dog- she doesn't really have any interest in greeting stangers and totally ignores any attempt at interaction with them usually. She also showed some separation anxiety/naughty behaviours when she was younger as she would become very destructive if left for more than about an hour. I have gradually increased the time leaving her and she was ok for 6 hours alone the other day but she still probably wouldn't cope with being left for normal working hours.

Kongs are good- I wouldn't fill the whole thing with peanut butter (too fatty!) but I do layer PB with the kibble and then seal the top with PB.

I also like the bob-a-lot toy.

You can see my lab also has long spindly legs and contrary to popular belief, Labs should have a waist!


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Hi jackie and buddy

I am a foster carer. I find that all my temp babies get attached to me. I find that making them survive by themselves helps them to be less attached. Being in the backyard while Im in the house. With food puzzles, cardboard boxes with food treats inside are great, appeals to their tummys and their destructive side as well. Trust me they foget all about you lol. I also do the morning doggy run and my partner does the evening. This has helped greatly.

As for uncontrollable, early days stills. I recently adopted one of my foster babies, it took 6 months to understand why he was at the pound. He chews everything, including my 14yr old cattle dog, 4 day old, $140 heat pad.

I currently have a rescued greyhound in foster care at the moment. She has a horrible scabbie dandruffy dry coat. I have been using omega 3 & 6 plus 9 oil in her dinner and it has worked wonders in 1.5 weeks. Its also meant to help older dogs as well. I think the brand is value, i bought it at the pet shop. Give it a try.

Last but not least, your dog may just like you more. If Im any where near my cattle dog, she will ignore my partner. And he has been around 12 of her 14rs

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Thanks for your replies. Buddy seems very unwell to me. He has been sad and lethargic now for 3 days and refused food yesterday after eating nothing the previous day. I hand fed him a few nibbles of cooked chicken this morning, he wasn't really interested at all. He had another episode of explosive diarrhoea this morning, and a couple yesterday. Will ring the vet when they open soon. My friend is a very experienced dog owner and said one of her labs was like this when he got coccidiosis, I will check with the vet this morning if they checked the previous stool sample for this, we have chickens and they can carry it.

Im worried he is in pain, yesterday morning he was very unenthusiastic about his walk, we just went around the block and he had had enough, usually he is just getting warmed up around the 5km mark and will happily walk/run 8 or more km. :walkdog: is what our walks are usually like. now he looks like :(

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Have been to vet. Still thinking its just food intolerances following the gastro and irritated gut. Fasting again until tomorrow and will keep him on the chicken diet for a few weeks. If he still has diarrhea in 3 days he will do more tests. Have got some probiotics. The vet said they already tested for coccidiosis so that is unlikely. Has lost more weight, down to 29kg, was 30.5 the other day. Buddy is snoozing next to me in the sun now. I feel so bad for him, he should be full of beans and having a great time in his new home :(

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Have been to vet. Still thinking its just food intolerances following the gastro and irritated gut. Fasting again until tomorrow and will keep him on the chicken diet for a few weeks. If he still has diarrhea in 3 days he will do more tests. Have got some probiotics. The vet said they already tested for coccidiosis so that is unlikely. Has lost more weight, down to 29kg, was 30.5 the other day. Buddy is snoozing next to me in the sun now. I feel so bad for him, he should be full of beans and having a great time in his new home :(

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Has the vet done abdominal x-rays or ultrasounds to eliminate the possibility that Buddy may have eaten something he shouldn't have? Blood tests to rule out things like Pancreatitis or the like?

Fecal samples should be done more than once to completely rule out some bugs like Giardia...


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Has the vet done abdominal x-rays or ultrasounds to eliminate the possibility that Buddy may have eaten something he shouldn't have? Blood tests to rule out things like Pancreatitis or the like?

Fecal samples should be done more than once to completely rule out some bugs like Giardia...


He had blood tests for pancreatitis etc initially and he is now on his second course of metronidazole which covers giardia. The vet will do US etc if he still has diarrhea in 3 days. He doesn't think he has a foreign body or obstruction because he would be in a lot of pain if that was the case.

I'm pretty sure he has had a thorough examination and he was improving until I gave him the none, so I think it is good related rather than anything more sinister.

He is much better today and ate his breakfast (chicken) and wanted more. I just gave him a small amount, if he has no diarrhea this morning he can have more at lunchtime.

He's a much happier dog today :)

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