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Kirislin - what do YOU like? Which version makes you satisfied?

While all of our input is great and playing around with different can help with an image or an idea on what to look for next time, if you're not feeling it for whatever reason then maybe it's not really a keeper image for you.

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Kirislin - what do YOU like? Which version makes you satisfied?

While all of our input is great and playing around with different can help with an image or an idea on what to look for next time, if you're not feeling it for whatever reason then maybe it's not really a keeper image for you.

well this is partly my problem, complete lack of confidence and the feeling I have little natural talent for what looks right. I understand the rule of thirds and I understand that a photo needs to be composed in a way that it draws your eye to the subject and has a balance about it but I lack confidence in myself to recognise whether I've got it or not. As soon as I saw the photo I thought it was lovely but I wondered if there were glaring faults that I couldn't see. I knew I'd gone too close to the top of his head, but I didn't see the car as a distraction until it was pointed out to me.

Mostly my photos are action type photos, I have a beautiful camera and lens that can capture the action, I dont manage to take many that tell a story or show an emotion or feeling like so many photographers here can do, I'd love to be able to do that everytime I look through the viewfinder. You might notice I haven't posted in the thread about my photographic strengths :laugh: and I dont sell my work, (or have a pretty camera bag) it's still just a hobby for me, but one that gives me enormous pleasure.

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I think the square crop can work sometimes. It's not my personal preference for this shot, but it's fine and if you like it, then it's great :)

I don't know if this will help but maybe - I know I find it useful when something just doesn't POP out at me:

- identify the essential information of the photo

...boy's connection with dog

- identify what elements of photo are essential to promoting that information

...boy looking at dog, boy's hand on dog

- identify secondary elements that portray that information

...for me, a bit of a sense of empty space around them

- identify any distracting elements

...bright blue car and for me, the awkward empty right side

There really are no right and wrong answers; the above answer are MY take on the image, yours may be different.

Once you know those things it should help decide how to proceed. :thumbsup:

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I think the square crop can work sometimes. It's not my personal preference for this shot, but it's fine and if you like it, then it's great :)

I don't know if this will help but maybe - I know I find it useful when something just doesn't POP out at me:

- identify the essential information of the photo

...boy's connection with dog

- identify what elements of photo are essential to promoting that information

...boy looking at dog, boy's hand on dog

- identify secondary elements that portray that information

...for me, a bit of a sense of empty space around them

- identify any distracting elements

...bright blue car and for me, the awkward empty right side

There really are no right and wrong answers; the above answer are MY take on the image, yours may be different.

Once you know those things it should help decide how to proceed. :thumbsup:

thanks! I need to write those points down and stick them above my computer screen so I can remind myself when I'm going through my photos :laugh:

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Last one. I did this a few days ago and then it seemed to disappear, and now it's come back. It's only done with the one image but I put it through the HDR program that comes with the lastest version of DPP. I like this version of B&W better than the "normal" one.


HDR 1img B&W AEtcr by kirislin, on Flickr

Edited by Kirislin
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