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Maya Puppy Photos

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Well, my new girl Maya has come home! It'll be a week tomorrow and she has settled wonderfully! She's best friends with Zeke, eating well, progressing well at basic training, and blown away all my workmates, my family and the vet staff with her cuteness!

Thought I'd share some photos :)


Maya exploring on her first night home!


Maya and Zeke on the first night, about four hours after they'd met ♥


Chomping on Zeke!


Ruined it! Record time too...


Ohhai Zeke!


Crazy puppy alert! Eating own foot!


Conked out :)

All in all couldn't be happier with her first week :) I feel very privileged, and just can't wait to get home and see her. The next few days are going to be tough as I have a trip to Brisbane, and she'll be home with my husband, but I will still miss her terribly!

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