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Camera Has Died!

Guest Tess32

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Yep it's business 101, I'm pretty sure we've all heard the advice before, especially when I've already been in business before. Yes ideally we need a backup, unfortunately the world isn't ideal. I'll take the risk because I need the money and I don't think my reputation is going to suffer if I had to reschedule. Sometimes, omg, I have to reschedule because my toddler is sick. Considering absolutely crap photographers get a lot of jobs, I don't think a technical issue on a shoot that can be rescheduled is enough to make me STOP trying to build a business.Kirislin - I'm not talking about anyone in particular, relax.
Maybe it's time to take a deep breath and chill out a bit. This is clearly a subject you're pretty sensitive about and I think you're over-reacting to what's been said.

Using evidence that crap photographers even get jobs is hardly something you'd use as a business mantra on your website is it :laugh:

Take your own advise Tess...chill, you have acknowledged that despite KJA explanation of good practice (which you havent refuted other than to add you cant see your way to do it) stop bagging "other photographers" which makes most people in this forum sensitive, as does your comment about the "7D and fancy bag" (hardly random)

Success in business requires sometimes to learn to listen to other peoples prospective, mentoring is invaluable. Being successful at something is not just attributed to skills. Its easy to set your standard by the lowest common demoninator, hardly good business sense though.

Back to topic, I hope your camera gets fixed and you dont make a habit of exposing it to water, the 50d body isnt designed for that, unlike the more weather built models which have much better sealing.

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Tess has already explained that she wasn't aiming that at anyone. I took it as a general comment that there are now many people out there with fancy cameras and no skills charging a fortune for pics. I have friends who do that. Tess is a skilled photographer - one look at her blog will show you that. It isn't her business mantra - she isn't setting her standard tO the lowest common denominator? Her standards are hardly that?

I understand someone being sensitive when it comes to money and building a business - you need to earn some before you outlay too much on equipment that might never be used.

Edited by megan_
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Guest Tess32

Thanks Megan. I'm talking about the usual fauxtographers (I hate that term but that's the one in use) who are in business now because they have the equipment but no skill. I didn't think anyone here was actually in business but still learning their camera?! I have a pretty bag myself that was my very delayed xmas present.

And yes redangel I'll try not to make a habit of dunking the 50D in water. As for mentoring, yeah I'm sure there are experienced people out there who would be great at that!

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I am a back-up nerd and have the still-maxed credit card to prove it. I have been insulted by experts and don't let it get to me (that includes someone on this forum bagging me on another forum, subtle not!!).

Better photographers than me have left this forum because they they didn't enjoy the unveiled comments.

I agree with kja's take. I understand Tess32's situation. We are a small group, we can't afford to undermine one another either directly or by inference, the forum is widely read and it reflects badly.

I've put the kettle on the kitchen stove (yay, a real wood-fired cooker) and cyber coffee is coming for anyone who'd enjoy.

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I dont see why you felt the need to bag other photographers you consider less skilled than yourself. Your work speaks for itself, but if some clients can't appreciate it and go to someone you consider inferior to you, then they wouldn't appreciate the skill, talent and effort you put into your work, in short, they dont deserve you. Canning someone because they have a better camera than you have just makes you sound jealous and bitter. :(

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Guest Tess32

The point is not that they are crap, it's that how much money you have to inject into your business at the beginning is a personal matter. Some like to perfect their business before they begin, others grow with it and don't have everything.

I don't see how taking what I said in this thread into other threads is particularly helpful either but some have done that even though they aren't even what I was talking about.

Considering I've helped quite a lot of people out myself with advice....How nice they just take bitchiness to another thread.

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Granted Tess32 you offer advice (even on your site) ..but there was no bitchiness here nor a disparative comment in here regards your financial circumstances, just advice. You took exception to that advice in a sensitive manner and then brought it down to a level about arguing about the the have and have nots. You made the primary judgmental comment about peoples financial status/gear vs ability. Everyone here is at different levels of learning and different degrees of experience, business and otherwise... You had to know that was in itself a nasty statement that would raise ire. In pointing to other photographers in itself you were (maybe unintentionally) inferring that someone in this lovely forum fit that bill. You were called on that comment.

...and personally id like to see you next comment being about something positive like good news about your d50 camera!

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