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Ok, So, What Do You See As Your S T R E N G T H S......


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:) ..Not what others think/say ....what do you feel is/are your best attributes /skills? :D

there are so many wonderful images presented here..everyone has a set of skills !!

What I feel fairly comfortable with during my macro/insect 'hunting' ..are patience, learning what the subject of my attention is doing/may do, and checking backgrounds.

.I really prefer to let the camera do the rest :p

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I cut and pasted from the other thread where I spoke about what I will probably never get the gist of. :laugh:

On the positives (this only applies to nature photography as I'm not interested in taking photos of people and I know this isn't what most people on here are interested in, but over the past couple of years:

I can read the light.

I'm confident using exposure compensation now, it's been an eye opener as I can become more creative using it.

I have learned some 'field craft' and found I can get a lot closer to wildlife, sometimes with a wide angle lens to get a different photo.

Having steady hands and good balance means I can hand hold a telephoto on a boat rolling about in a swell without holding onto anything and get a sharp shot. (I think years of kitting up in dive gear on a moving boat helped with this).

Edited by Ripley
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I think my strengths would have to be persistence and ingenuity. I don't have much equipment, so I have to improvise a bit. But like Snook I don't think I have any strengths yet when it comes to photography. Hopefully one day!

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Erm, sheer goddamn stubborness (or perhaps stupidity) to make it to this point.

I can use my camera completely manually, I get to be the one that tells it what to do, rather than the other way around.

I understand the settings completely and use them to my advantage.

I am getting there with OCF.

I can work under pressure.

My posing of people has improved (thank you Bathroom Project).

I have developed my own style (both shooting and processing), but it's still evolving.

I have been told that my work is strong and consistent (which I mostly agree with) and I entered awards for the first time this year and picked up a Silver (at QPPAs, APPAs is this weekend - eeek!). The rest of my work was scored as professional quality and above. Considering the judges are my most successful peers, this was really important to me.

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For me... I only got my first DSLR in January! So I think I've come a long way.

I think a strength is I keep trying, changing settings to see what gives me the best photos! I mostly photograph whippet racing.... Which happens in a blur.... Over the last three race meets I think I've finally figured what works best!

I don't shoot in auto and haven't done for some time!

I haven't given up........

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Guest Tess32

I can read light pretty well and pretty quickly.

I think I am good at capturing the individual animal and not just a species.

I understand the basics of photography well and have no issue working in manual.

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@anniek - you're an amateur! I think I have at least 6 awesome bags...though I only have older model camera bodies, so I guess I suck after all :eek:

My strengths, to my own eyes (I may be in my own universe on these):

- good at trouble-shooting

- good at calming people down

- ok at offering solid advice, which in turns helps me think more critically on my own

- love to get down low, into tiny or twisted spaces or any really awkward and uncomfortable position to get a shot

- good at finding creatures underwater, my chosen arena

- happy as a clam to move sliders around and twiddle with things to try out new (for me) ideas

- good at getting it done, no matter what the universe throws my way

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