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Whippet Won't Gain Weight

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Go and get the dog NOW! Straight to a vet.I honestly don't know how you can sit back and watch this dog be so sick with the real possibility it will die.I for one feel sick in the stomach.

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I'm not happy Misty still hasn't been to the vet she didn't eat on wednesday or thursday and has thrown up once, I can't report her as she is my sister plus she will know it came from me. If Misty was my dog she would have been at the vets weeks ago,I wouldn't have let it go this long. My sister is in denial she thinks Misty is going to get better.

How very sad and disappointing...

I wouldn't care if my sister knew it was me or not... Honestly your sister should not own an animal if this is how she treats them...

I only hope she doesnt have kids...

If she was my sister, I would be reporting her or better going and getting the dog and having it seen to myself...

Send me her details and I will report her... The animal needs treatment.

Edited by Staffyluv
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Guest donatella

I'm not happy Misty still hasn't been to the vet she didn't eat on wednesday or thursday and has thrown up once, I can't report her as she is my sister plus she will know it came from me. If Misty was my dog she would have been at the vets weeks ago,I wouldn't have let it go this long. My sister is in denial she thinks Misty is going to get better.

What will you think if this dog dies and you could have done something to save its life?

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I wish i hadn't come back in here to see how poor Misty is going

if it was my sisters dog and she was neglecting it like your sister is I would be taking it to the vet myself

if you thought anything about poor Misty YOU would do something

I feel sick in the stomach thinking what that poor dog is going through frown.gif

Edited by Frodo's mum
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I'm not happy Misty still hasn't been to the vet she didn't eat on wednesday or thursday and has thrown up once, I can't report her as she is my sister plus she will know it came from me. If Misty was my dog she would have been at the vets weeks ago,I wouldn't have let it go this long. My sister is in denial she thinks Misty is going to get better.

I knew I shouldn't have asked... :(

YOU have known of this dog's illness for some time now.

YOU keep saying you would like to help her, but you have not done anything.

Out of everyone on this forum, YOU are the only one in any position to do something.

Help this dog now!! If you don't, YOU should feel just as responsible as your sister for neglecting this poor dog. :mad

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Assuming the dogs are registered with the council....an anonymous call can be made about a pied whippet called Misty who is severely underweight and ill, we do know they live in Mildura

If MTS is unwilling to help this dog....someone has to :(

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I wish i hadn't come back in here to see how poor Misty is going

if it was my sisters dog and she was neglecting it like your sister is I would be taking it to the vet myself

if you thought anything about poor Misty YOU would do something

I feel sick in the stomach thinking what that poor dog is going through frown.gif

Totally agree Frodo's mum. I wish I hadn't popped back in to see how she is going cause it just makes me sick to the core. I would have had her that fast to the vet it would of made your head spin

but then again I would never ever have let Misty get into the poor state she is in in the first place, my sisters dog or not :mad

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Guest lavendergirl

What is your relationship with your sister? Can you not just make a vet appointment, pop around say "right we are off to the vet - I'm paying", pick up the dog and off you go? I don't understand why it is so difficult to get this dog vet attention. :confused:

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I can't see how your sister would object to you taking the dog to the vet and paying for it???

I also can't believe that a vet would say wait a month if a dog was seriously underweight and continuing to lose weight and vomit!!!

That poor dog should be at a vet NOW.

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I'm on another forum and in contact with the sister. The sister is feeding some recommended food in small feeds and the dog really isn't that bad. Photo has been put up and, yes, she is a bit thin but she's a Whippet, recovering from illness and it's been suggested that she have a good warm coat on 24/7. In the photo she looked more cold than sick and the owner says she shivers.

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I'm on another forum and in contact with the sister. The sister is feeding some recommended food in small feeds and the dog really isn't that bad. Photo has been put up and, yes, she is a bit thin but she's a Whippet, recovering from illness and it's been suggested that she have a good warm coat on 24/7. In the photo she looked more cold than sick and the owner says she shivers.

I asked to see a photo here a while back. It would give us a better idea of her condition. :confused:

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Shes not as bad now but can still see 4 ribs and the hip bones. But I just don't like the idea of Misty not eatting much and threw up once on wednesday night. My sister has been giving this special puppy milk and shes been giving her that. Heres the picture she posted on facebook it doesn't really show her condition to well.Her coat is very dull and lifeless.


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If your sister is feeding as suggested on the other forum and I feel she is along with providing a warm coat 24/7 then I'd think Misty will be OK. That photo looks to me as if she is cold (jmo) and owner said she did shiver a bit.

eta - having had gastro she doesn't need a quick change to a rich diet.

Edited by pebbles
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It's hard to tell from that photo, but she doesn't look very thin. The way she's hunched over her spine would stick up and show. She does look like she's cold there. I hope what ever shes got she recovers soon. If she needs veterinary attention and your sister wont take her then I hope she realises she shouldn't have a dog and gives her to someone who will care for her properly.

Edited by Kirislin
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I'm on another forum and in contact with the sister. The sister is feeding some recommended food in small feeds and the dog really isn't that bad. Photo has been put up and, yes, she is a bit thin but she's a Whippet, recovering from illness and it's been suggested that she have a good warm coat on 24/7. In the photo she looked more cold than sick and the owner says she shivers.

I'm sorry pebbles I mean no disrespect but to say " she is a bit thin...but she's a whippet " just bloody annoys me :mad Has she been to a vet to find out what illness she is actually recovering from?..and it has been SUGGESTED that she has a warm coat on...goes without saying coat your bloody freezing dog!

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she is a bit better weight wise I just saw her on thursday. I just can't believe how long it has taken to get some weight back on her. Misty has always been a bit stockier then Missy and weighed a little bit more too. I have plenty of meat here and some veggies so maybe I should make her some raw food and see it that helps Misty.

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she is a bit better weight wise I just saw her on thursday. I just can't believe how long it has taken to get some weight back on her. Misty has always been a bit stockier then Missy and weighed a little bit more too. I have plenty of meat here and some veggies so maybe I should make her some raw food and see it that helps Misty.

If she's been ill with a stomach upset she needs bland food - boiled chicken, rice and sweet potato and/or pumpkin. A little bit of ginger can help too. Then slowly introduce richer foods.

My Ridgeback had a nasty bout of gastro a couple of years back. It was quite some time (around 3 weeks from memory) before his normal diet could be re-introduced without upsetting his belly.

If the dog is feeling the cold think about buying a snugglesafe pad for her. http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/SNUGHEATP#.T8ncjtXPrSg

They are currently on sale and stay warm for hours. I've put one in my boys crate and it's made a huge difference.

I find it interesting that people are jumping up and down presuming this dog is on deaths doorstep when no-one has actually seen her.

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