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Fox Terrier Continually Scratching And Licking


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Hi all,

We have a 18 month old foxie,he is a rescue dog and after a nervous start, is settling in quite well. He is desexed, immunised C5, and on Advocate monthly.

Can`t find a sign of a flea on him, yet he is constantly scratching and licking himself, I`m wondering will bathing him with something like Malawash be any help?

Any help or advice appreciated.


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A vet would be my first suggestion.

It could be a flea allergy ..it only takes one bite!

It could also be an allergy to ...almost anything ...it may also be a stress reaction ....

I would be suggesting not adding any more chemicals top the mix he's had recently ,until you work out what the problem is ...

What food does he get?

What plants are in your garden?

Is there a time/place when he seems more irritated?

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With food also remember that means treats like Schmacko,s & the likes.

Do he have bad ears.

What are you washing him in now.

Did he itch from the day you brought him home .

Regards to licking is it his feet & if so are they sore looking??

Or does he just lick his front legs for example which if nervous could be a soothing tool for him.

So many what ifs but even if you go to the vet making a diary of his diet & the likes can be very helpful

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Guest RosieFT

I have a fox terrier who, from a puppy, began to scratch from spring to mid autumn and has done every year since. I took her to the vet a couple of times initially and the second time, the young vet offered a steroid shot when she was less than a year old. I said no. hmmm. She too has never had a flea on her that I could find, but this was my initial thought hence the vet visit.

Anyway, because of the timing of her itchiness, I think it is a grass allergy which dies down in mid autumn and in winter. As soon as the spring time hits, she starts up again. I also notice it gets worse when I take her (in these seasons) to agility training as i feel the grassed oval there affects her quite badly.

I tried the oatmeal wash for months, but have found the MooGoo shampoo helps settle her a little bit. Having said that, her itchyness is almost gone for now.

I hope yours is an easy solution!

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