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7 Week Old Cane Corso At The Off Leash Park :(


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I met an owner of a 7 week old Cane Corso puppy this afternoon at my local off leash park. :eek:

He had the poor, tiny, scared thing on the ground amongst all the regular dogs and she had no idea what hit her. Sadly, she met up with one of the park's bullies: a horribly aggro entire male SBT, who had a go at her because he "doesn't like puppies". :mad

I didn't interact with her owner much but listened on in horror as he explained that she's "had all her vaccinations" and cost $500 plus $100 to fly her from QLD. I also heard him say that he was glad to find an Cane Corso for that price as all the other puppies he'd been quoted between $2500 to $5000.

I live in NSW and as I understand, it's against the law to sell a puppy under the age of 8 weeks. Does QLD have any such laws?

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That is the sort of experience that will more than likely cause fear aggression, and with what sounds like an idiot owner to boot, the poor girl doesn't stand a chance of being a normal well adjusted dog. :( Here's hoping I'm wrong.

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I am pretty sure in QLD you cannot sell a puppy under 6 weeks old but if you sell a puppy after 8weeks old it legally needs to be microchipped. This is causing the phenomenon of "breeders (BYB & puppy mill)" selling their puppies between 6-8weeks so to avoid the necessity and added expense of microchipping.

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Just awful, I feel so sad for the poor little girl, I can imagine it must be so traumatic for a puppy so young at a dog park with aggressive dogs. :cry: I just can't believe the owner, people like that really should not be allowed dogs. :mad

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Qld legislation statews that all animals are to be microchipped before ownership changes, so those thinking they are being clever are actually breaking the law.

ETA- Looks like you are right. Huh! Unfortunately it is not enforced at all, at any level so it really makes no difference in the long run. Cheers for the correction though.

Edited by Pailin
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Poor little puppy :( Shouldn't even be away from mum & has a very careless,stupid owner who sounds like he doesn't know any better. What a sad situation. I can only hope someone with experience throws a life line to this puppy. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

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I'm really hoping I see him there again tomorrow so I can let him know that his puppy isn't fully vaccinated.

The girl is so tiny still and was huddled between his (owner's) legs with her tail down too. Poor thing was terrified and had no idea what to do.

Luckily the owners of the dogs who frequent the park all kept their dogs away from it!

I'd be worried about the little girl picking up diseases -- you can't just assume that all the other dogs have been vaccinated too.

And as much as I'd love to give the owner a what for, I'd really love to be able to sit down and talk to him rationally about what could happen and what he needs to do now for his pup. First thing would be a vet visit to check her over. I'm not sure if Cane Corsos have any health problems that should be tested for (hip displaysia?) but she should be checked over.

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In these situations it is often best to only give a person one piece of advice so they don't get overwhelmed. I'd focus on bad socialization and the fact that the fog is scared - which can lead to DA and fear aggression. Given that she has a very powerful breed with a string guarding instinct this could be disasterous.

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I was thinking about this poor littley all night. Just so distressing for me to think a pup so young is not with it's mum. Hell, poor thing is not even in a protective, caring enviroment. To think

of the fear the pup must be going through & then to be subject to being put on the ground & roughed up by another just beggers belief. They grow to be big dogs those CT's too I had no idea what they looked

like but sourced a pic of one, OMG they are huge when full grown & then a horrible thought crossed my mind, IMHO if this pup has the unfortunate luck of having to be "raised" by this MORON, then this MORON is going to have

his hands well & truly full with a tonne of dog full of fear aggression :( This whole situation has a recipe with disaster written all over it & we all know who will suffer the most at the end of it, don't we :mad:(:cry:

Edited by BC Crazy
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I was thinking about this poor littley all night. Just so distressing for me to think a pup so young is not with it's mum

Why? The pup would have been fully weaned for weeks. Many bitches would be spending little time with pups of that age.

The owner was trying to socialize the pup in the same manner many novice owners adopt. Calling him a moron is unfair. Seems to me some friendly advice was what was called for.

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I was thinking about this poor littley all night. Just so distressing for me to think a pup so young is not with it's mum

Why? The pup would have been fully weaned for weeks. Many bitches would be spending little time with pups of that age.

The owner was trying to socialize the pup in the same manner many novice owners adopt. Calling him a moron is unfair. Seems to me some friendly advice was what was called for.

Agree. More flies with honey than vinegar.

And, truth be told good breeders are trying to solialise puppies at this age, although anyone with an ounce of sense would not be taking them to a dog park, still it would appear this owner is trying to socialise his new pup, jus unsure of the best way to goabout it is my guess. It's a tricky scenario, re vaccinations, I've always taken my 8 weeks pups to puppy school. I feel the benefits outweigh the risks and usually it is a controlled environment.

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I understand that the puppy would have been weaned from its mum for weeks but surely a puppy of 7 weeks should be still in the 'safe' enviroment of its litter mates & 'reputable' breeder.

I am a novice owner compared to many (including yourself) HW on this forum & I would never think of buying a 7 week old puppy, let alone taking the poor bloody pup to a dog park & letting him get in harms way.

Surely common sense is called for here. IMHO I don't think I was being unfair in calling him a moron cause that is how I feel about his careless actions & this situation :(

Edited by BC Crazy
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