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Kristin's First Trip To Africa 2011


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A few people seemed to want to see some of my Africa photos after I posted the lions in another thread yesterday so I'm popping some up in here. I'll apologise up front - this is going to be yet another on-going thread from me as I honestly haven't even been through all my images yet! And they're in no particular order so there won't be any rhyme or reason to the sets LOL

I do hope you enjoy :)

warthog snoozing on the lawn outside our room


zebras in the morning smoke


lioness beginning her hunt


leopard ignoring us


giraffe standing guard


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We were in South Africa, Botswana and Zambia. Why do hate seeing the giraffes there? They seemed happy enough :)



Hippo yawn


Mama & cubs


Elephant family


getting some lion cub cuddles


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I meant the lack of trees and natural space for the giraffes. South Africa is so developed that you can only see wild animals in designated parks. Where you at Kruger? Zambia is different though and you could, in hteory, bump into a lion while going for a walk. We went on a 10 day house boat cruise on Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe) which was amazing because you saw all the animals coming for a drink. We even saw elephants swimming across a channel.

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@megan - I didn't get that feel at all, thought there was almost no civilization there, but then, we didn't stay anywhere near the cities for more than an overnight before our next flight. LOL We didn't do Kruger, we were at Sabi Sands while in South Africa.

Thanks for the kind words, All! It was a completely awesome trip.


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