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Critique & Comments


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Ok, we talked about this in another thread, so to blatantly nab the tag line from another forum..... :D

By posting your photos here you are specifically requesting comments, advice and critique of value and merits of both photos and the photographer.

So if you want some critique on your photos, or want practice of critiquing other shots - something I certainly don't feel qualified to do yet, but would like to try - then get posting in here :D

I'll get things rolling :)

I tend to lack a bit of confidence in my post production, so some advice would be most welcome.

Here is the original, just exported as a jpeg from Lightroom, where I do all my editing.


First edit as posted in my 'new lens' thread.


After a bit more tweaking.


Let it fly :laugh:

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Awesome to see a C&C area :)

Post is such a subjective process that not everyone is going to like everything, so before we get started please, Everyone, keep that in mind when others comment about your post style on a photograph - just because someone doesn't like it doesn't mean that YOU can't :thumbsup:

@Crazy - so brave to get things started! Here's my two cents:

- the crop is great

- I like both edits but I slightly prefer 2 because it gives more of a happy sun dog feeling for me.

- you captured a great expression on doggies face and the lifted front leg adds a sense of happy motion

- nice depth of field

- next time I'd try to get the framing in camera closer to what I wanted as a final image and I'd try to get the whole shadow of the dog, especially if it looked like the dog and not just a black shape :)


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Thanks for starting this thread CC! I'm in no position to provide critique but I did want to say that I like the second edit best. What you said Kja about the shadow was really interesting, made a lot of sense, and wasn't something I'd have thought of - thanks!! :)

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:) love the happy chappy /chapette pic ...

On my screen a lot of detail has been lost in teh dog's body ... in the first shot, rib cage curves, and hair detail can be seen .... it seems to be much less visible in the others?

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:) love the happy chappy /chapette pic ...

On my screen a lot of detail has been lost in teh dog's body ... in the first shot, rib cage curves, and hair detail can be seen .... it seems to be much less visible in the others?

that's exactly how it is for me too.

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Yes, that's true about the loss of detail, but does it detract from the edited versions for you? For me, to have too much detail wouldn't be holding true to the processing feel, which is a much softer day at the beach feel than the original which is pretty stark.

Loving the way this is helping us look at photos and our choices already :)

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I like the photo, and the cropping is good, but I really don't like the yellow tinge. I've noticed lots of people in here do it, and I just don't get it. It looks washed out, and if you were to put it on the wall it would look like it had been there for 20 years and had faded.

There is a bit of blue in the original photo, and I would fix that, but I wouldn't go overboard with the yellow. That's just my personal taste though. It's a good photo.

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I like the photo, and the cropping is good, but I really don't like the yellow tinge. I've noticed lots of people in here do it, and I just don't get it. It looks washed out, and if you were to put it on the wall it would look like it had been there for 20 years and had faded.

There is a bit of blue in the original photo, and I would fix that, but I wouldn't go overboard with the yellow. That's just my personal taste though. It's a good photo.

It's a trend, like skinny jeans and emo fringes. Like spot colouring and heavy vignetting. Just like fashion has trends, so does photography :) Some peeps like to keep things very traditional looking, others like to experiment a bit.

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I'd like to know what people think of this. I'm new to HDR, and in fact any kind of stylised editing! I know that sometimes people tend to be heavy handed with editing at first. I like the shiny plasticky look this has, but is it overdone?

For me, yes just slightly - because there is a slight halo around the bike and the rider. Most people probably wouldn't notice, but I do this sort of processing a lot, so am used to searching for that halo.

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I'd like to know what people think of this. I'm new to HDR, and in fact any kind of stylised editing! I know that sometimes people tend to be heavy handed with editing at first. I like the shiny plasticky look this has, but is it overdone?

For me, yes just slightly - because there is a slight halo around the bike and the rider. Most people probably wouldn't notice, but I do this sort of processing a lot, so am used to searching for that halo.

I noticed it too. Might go back for another tweak.

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+1 on the halo. otherwise it's a pretty nice edit :)

I think it's going to get confusing if we put multiple images in a single thread. Perhaps start a new thread with C&C Title? Each image and poster deserves to get dedicated time & attention, I think.

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+1 on the halo. otherwise it's a pretty nice edit :)

I think it's going to get confusing if we put multiple images in a single thread. Perhaps start a new thread with C&C Title? Each image and poster deserves to get dedicated time & attention, I think.

I agree, I mentioned this a couple of posts back too. I wonder if Troy will give us a separate heading/forum that we can then post individual threads in.

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In the meantime, just tag the title of the post with C&C - I think he'll be more inclined to add another subforum if there's a strong showing of need over a period of time.

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