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2 Year Old Bitten By Dog


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THIS is the face of a two-year-old boy after he was attacked by a neighbourhood dog.

Exavier Howard is recovering at his Rocherlea home after a dog he was playing with turned on him.

A neighbour found Exavier screaming and bloody from the dog bite about 4pm on Sunday.

The neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said she immediately went to get his mother, Shannon Woods.

``He was just standing there, screaming, holding his face . . . he was hysterical,'' the neighbour said.

``I couldn't even look at him, I didn't know what to do, I couldn't even talk. I just took him straight to Shannon and she just started crying.''

Ms Woods said she was ``really panicked'' when she got out of the shower to see her son covered in blood.

``I was really angry and I was sad - I was sad to see my son like that and so worried,'' Ms Woods said.

Launceston police arrived at Honeysuckle Crescent, Rocherlea, about 4.15pm having received a report of the attack.

They have not taken action against the dog or its owner.

``As a result of speaking to the parties we won't be laying any charges,'' acting Inspector Andrew Keane said.

As tempting as it is, I think I'll leave off on comments about poor parenting. I wouldn't leave a two year old child out in the front yard with another person's dog while I showered but.. you know.. everyone parents differently and all that >.>

Kudos to the Examiner though for not headlining this story with crap about pit bulls.

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Guest Willow

.As tempting as it is, I think I'll leave off on comments about poor parenting. I wouldn't leave a two year old child out in the front yard with another person's dog while I showered but.. you know.. everyone parents differently and all that >.>

you gotta wonder about some people, hey?

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Reading the posters comments was interesting.. every body wanting to know the breed of the dog.

Knowing that particular suburb, I could take a fairly good guess at breed (well.. crossbreed, really) but it is disappointing that so much emphasis is on breed when the mother was the one at fault.

People love a good, old fashioned witch hunt and unfortunately, in the case of dog bites, circumstances are rarely looked at appropriately or fairly. Some of the comments mentioned that the dog could bite again (and so it ought to be destroyed) but a more likely scenario is that the mother will fail to supervise again and next time, that small child could wander out onto the road and be struck by a car. Curiously.. no one demands the child should be removed for its own safety :shrug:

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Hm, the most sensible comment there seems to be one of the last ones, to the effect that it was was a Pitbull/Rottweiler/some other "usual suspect" it would've been mentioned..

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Hm, the most sensible comment there seems to be one of the last ones, to the effect that it was was a Pitbull/Rottweiler/some other "usual suspect" it would've been mentioned..

Exactly & it makes me angry that they only mention the breed if it is "one of those vicious breeds". It is irresponsible, because it lulls people into a false sense of security if they have one of those "nice friendly breeds", while fueling the hysteria that only some breeds attack & should be banned. :swear:

I hope the little boy recovers & isn't scarred mentally or physically & the mother learns you can't leave a two year old playing outside unsupervised.

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i cannot understand why almost every time a child is bitten by a dog it makes the media ?

Given that children get injured for so many reasons & in many different ways I wonder what actual percentage of injuries that children get hospital treatment for are caused by dogs ?

Playground injuries & burns are one big cause I do know but we never see a media headline saying Child gets attacked by giant slide because parent was not in control or similar.

Not as sensational I guess.

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Just on Sunday a child in my sons soccor game fell and broke his arm through a growth plate which necessitated a 750km trip to the city for surgery. That didn't make the news funnily enough????

Who in their right mind would leave a two year old playing out in a yard with a dog - especially not theirs - and outside at all really.

The mother needs a bloody good slapping. I hope that little boy heals okay.

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Lots of factors in play here unsupervised child, unsupervised child with dog, unsupervised child with dog that isn't even theirs to start with, not that child should have been left with their own dog either.

Of cause again it is a mauling and an attack, when it is just what it is a dog bite. If he was mauled he would be looking a lot worse than what he is.

Mother and dog owner both need a slap, but I guess it will only be the child and dog that pay, and the dog with its life.

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Hm, the most sensible comment there seems to be one of the last ones, to the effect that it was was a Pitbull/Rottweiler/some other "usual suspect" it would've been mentioned..

Exactly & it makes me angry that they only mention the breed if it is "one of those vicious breeds". It is irresponsible, because it lulls people into a false sense of security if they have one of those "nice friendly breeds", while fueling the hysteria that only some breeds attack & should be banned. :swear:

I hope the little boy recovers & isn't scarred mentally or physically & the mother learns you can't leave a two year old playing outside unsupervised.

Wouldn't it have been better then to mention the breed of the dog? It would at least educate people that not all dog bites are caused by pitbulls.

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I was bitten by a JR and spent two days in hospital and had to have surgery to stop the infection from spreading.

I didn't make the papers either :) but the Doctor did ask "What breed of Dog" and proceeded to laugh at the Jack Russell named.....I bet it didn't make the statics for dog bites.

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i cannot understand why almost every time a child is bitten by a dog it makes the media ?

Given that children get injured for so many reasons & in many different ways I wonder what actual percentage of injuries that children get hospital treatment for are caused by dogs ?

Playground injuries & burns are one big cause I do know but we never see a media headline saying Child gets attacked by giant slide because parent was not in control or similar.

Not as sensational I guess.

Completely agree. "Child burns self on stove!", "Child falls down stairs!", "Child eats old food and ends up with salmonella!".

Accidents happen.

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Babes and toddlers run over in their own yards make the news often enough. I wonder if there are as many toddlers run over as children bitten by dogs?

Efficient and adequate parental supervision would drastically reduce all damage to little kids.

Drownings, runnings over, dog bites, wandering off and becoming lost.

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Babes and toddlers run over in their own yards make the news often enough. I wonder if there are as many toddlers run over as children bitten by dogs?

Efficient and adequate parental supervision would drastically reduce all damage to little kids.

Drownings, runnings over, dog bites, wandering off and becoming lost.

So true Jed, supervision is the key. No excuses.

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I was bitten by a JR and spent two days in hospital and had to have surgery to stop the infection from spreading.

I didn't make the papers either :) but the Doctor did ask "What breed of Dog" and proceeded to laugh at the Jack Russell named.....I bet it didn't make the statics for dog bites.

When I lived in WA I did an experiment, because I was sick of all the biased reporting of dog attacks. I rang 7, 9 & 10 to say that I was attacked by a dog, the first thing they asked me was if it was a Pitbull, when I said no it definitely wasn't a Pitbull, they said it could have been a cross though, trying to goad me into saying it was, when I again said no it wasn't, they suddenly lost interest & said that it wasn't newsworthy. :swear::shrug:

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I was bitten by a JR and spent two days in hospital and had to have surgery to stop the infection from spreading.

I didn't make the papers either :) but the Doctor did ask "What breed of Dog" and proceeded to laugh at the Jack Russell named.....I bet it didn't make the statics for dog bites.

When I lived in WA I did an experiment, because I was sick of all the biased reporting of dog attacks. I rang 7, 9 & 10 to say that I was attacked by a dog, the first thing they asked me was if it was a Pitbull, when I said no it definitely wasn't a Pitbull, they said it could have been a cross though, trying to goad me into saying it was, when I again said no it wasn't, they suddenly lost interest & said that it wasn't newsworthy. :swear::shrug:

Even though I know this to be what happens it still enrages me to hear it first hand!

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I was bitten by a JR and spent two days in hospital and had to have surgery to stop the infection from spreading.

I didn't make the papers either :) but the Doctor did ask "What breed of Dog" and proceeded to laugh at the Jack Russell named.....I bet it didn't make the statics for dog bites.

When I lived in WA I did an experiment, because I was sick of all the biased reporting of dog attacks. I rang 7, 9 & 10 to say that I was attacked by a dog, the first thing they asked me was if it was a Pitbull, when I said no it definitely wasn't a Pitbull, they said it could have been a cross though, trying to goad me into saying it was, when I again said no it wasn't, they suddenly lost interest & said that it wasn't newsworthy. :swear::shrug:

Even though I know this to be what happens it still enrages me to hear it first hand!

I know, you try and convince yourself people aren't that disappointing..... :mad

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