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Well I finally caved and bought the Nikon D700 that I have been drooling over :laugh:

Along with the 100mm Micro (macro), 28-300mm & just waiting on the 50mm 1.8 to arrive.

Just thought I would share a couple of shots.

It works so amazingly in low light! :love:

Comments & Criticism Welcomed! :D











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Thanks MnDM & tlc :D

It's a brilliant camera, still learning where everything is, bit different to the Canon!

Mitchy is super cute, he was surrendered with a smashed jaw which had to be wired, so his face is a little wonky, but that adds to his character! :laugh:

Not taken with the D700, but here is a photo of Willow :D


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Fantastic pics MM :thumbsup:

Thanks! :D

did you have the 7D?

I love Mitchy too, he's got a funny little chin but it makes him look mighty cute.

Yep I had/have the 7D, which I still use daily for photos of the animals for adoption at work :)

Yay! New toys are fun - glad you're loving yours :thumbsup:

Congrats on your new camera! Lovely photos. :)

Critique-wise I'd probably just suggest trying not to crop in quite so tightly on the subject in every shot. It's something I'm terrible for doing and am trying really hard to stop. Sometimes a tight crop is perfect for a photo but I find with a lot of animal portraits in particular, that it can actually look nicer when there's a bit more space around the animal. I took some photos of Justice in the parklands last week and I got half way through editing before I realised I'd cropped them all way too tight. I went back and started again and the end result was much better. I think adding context with the surroundings adds to the overall impact of the photo in a lot of situations. To show you what I mean here's one of the photos I took and how I cropped it at first and then how I cropped it when I did it over (sorry, not trying to hijack your thread with my own pics - I just find it helpful when someone can show me what they mean).


Thanks so much for the comment snook!

I will definitely take it on board!

Justice :love:

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So I got an email from CameraPro saying that they have been chasing up my 50mm 1.8 lens with Nikon.

Nikon have told them that the lens has not been officially discontinued, production has been indefinitely delayed! :(

They have offered for me to wait for the 50mm 1.8 which could be up to months or pick another lens.

I'm still keen to stay with the 50mm as it has been a brilliant little lens in the past, might have to consider upgrading to the 1.4 or maybe cancelling the order and trying to get the lens at like Ted's Camera store or such. hmm.

ETA - or maybe I want the 85mm 1.8 as well?

Change my order to the 85mm 1.8 through CameraPro and get the 50mm 1.8 at Teds?

ahh so confused! :noidea:

Opinions welcome! :laugh:

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Ive just been reading an older thread on my mission to decide what Camera and Lens I am going to upgrade too and came across THIS thread from last year, just curious about why you changed from the Canon 7D to the Nikon D700? or did you just want both? Only curious as I am leaning towards the 7D, was there something you didn't like about it to make you go to the Nikon?

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I love my D700, I made the switch from Canon 7D to the D700 about a month ago, don't regret a thing.

Can push the camera so far in lowlight, it's fantastic!

It is a whole lot of camera like Huga said.

I still find myself flicking through the manual as things are different from the Canon.

If you think the D7000 will be enough for you then go ahead with that and maybe get yourself a good lens with the difference.

I wouldn't be without my 50mm 1.8, it's a great everyday lens :)

Just found the answer. :laugh: But still curious about why you changed so soon after getting the 7D?

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In the end really it came down to the fact that I was given a lump sum of money in which I could afford to splurge.

I have an award winning photographer friend who does work for Nikon and shoots with Nikon.

I went and had a play with the Nikon D800 (which I decided was far too much camera for my needs) and feel in love with Nikon.

I can push the D700 so far in lowlight which is awesome as I do a lot of indoor photography of my animals and shelter animals for adoption.

Another reason for the sudden change was that my Canon 7D has the 50mm 1.8 stuck on it and Canon quoted me about $500 to get it fixed!

So I have kept the 7D with the 50mm 1.8 stuck on it as it still works well.

So in the end, it wasn't REALLY that I needed the upgrade, more that I had the opportunity too, so I did and I don't regret it.

Shooting with the same lens, on the same settings, Nikon photos have come out crisper and nicer, there is just something aboit Nikon images.. IMHO.


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Well thats a bugger about the lens being stuck on. I appreciate the input, its all food for thought. I think the position I am in not wanting to spend over $2000 the better option would be to go for the 7D over the D700.

At least you have the best of both worlds. :laugh:

Thing is I love taking the portrait shots of the dogs but my passion lies with the action shots and i think the 7D will do both easily but it may do the action just slightly better than the D7000. Well thats what I am hoping!

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