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Dog Collars.


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My friend recently bought a couple of collars from Karma Collars which is a company that hand crafts leather collars. I was admiring some of these collars online - they are not cheap, but very well made. I was hoping to get something special for my little critters, but I would prefer to buy something Australian.

Anyone know of any good sites? I'll go international if they have something I really like, so feel free to post those sites too, if you know of any good ones.

Also, anyone got pictures of their special collars? I would love to see what you have (preferably modelled by your dogs!) :)

Edited by Blackdogs
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Crazycresties those collars are just divine!!

I like the look of some leather collars but have yet to find any that are compatible with our silky coat texture. It just gets broken and rubbed. So we do fabric all the way but have to be fussy about strength and quality. These are my faves as I love matching leads...


Bt I love this site too, lower prices and awesome quality: http://www.regalhounddesigns.com/

Edited by Alyosha
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Lol OSoSwift I hear ya! I lurve collars

My fav sight hound collars are from Here - http://www.karenskollars.net/collars/collars.html

You need to check out the photo album to get an idea of how stunning these collars are. I own about 6 of them and want more.

Eta: I get my half martingales for my larger dogs from a company in Japan. The collars are made in the US but they won't ship to Aus but the Japanese company will. This is them http://northernhund.com/. Very well made collars, lots of styles plus they make harnesses, matching leads etc.

Edited by indigirl
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