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If You Were Only Able To Take One Lens


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I'd take my 17-70 - much more options than my 50

I would go 17-70 if I had one, :)

I would go 17-70 if I had one, :)

Isn't it lovely - I want one but also want a macro lens..

My sigma 17-70 IS also a macro lens :thumbsup:

maybe not in the same class as my canon 100mm macro, but it is still very good as an all round lens

The Sigma 17-70 is one of those rare gems of a lens that only one company has. I love having it in my line-up even if I don't use it all that often on land (but when I want it, nothing comes close!)

Another vote for the 17-70 :D The OS on it is great too - this is handheld indoors with natural light, exposure 1/30 ! and I don't have the steadiest of hands :laugh:


damn you, damn you all!!!! :mad ....................... :o

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:laugh: can you guess which one? :D It makes sense, then I'm covered from 17mm up to 200mm with a couple of primes thrown in for good measure. :laugh: I just hope it's a sharp one, I hear some horror stories about Sigmas. fingers crossed it's a good one.

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Oh Staffyluv! I was just looking up that lens today! Thinking it might be my next purchase! In a loooong time as I need more $$$$'s

You'd have to sell your 70-200 if you were going to buy the 70-300 or you'd be doubling up too much. I wonder if they make a 200-300, that would make more sense if you want something longer. I've sometimes wondered about the 100-400, perhaps that would've served me better than what I have. Dunno.......

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I have the f4 without IS. And I love it! At 8 frames per second I've not had any issues.

If you go to our club Facebook page, Click here most of the race shots are shot with it. All my 52wk dog shots like the beach ones are taken with it, I rarely use the 50mm.

I love it and am pleased I didn't spend double the money on the f2.8.

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I have the f4 without IS. And I love it! At 8 frames per second I've not had any issues.

If you go to our club Facebook page, Click here most of the race shots are shot with it. All my 52wk dog shots like the beach ones are taken with it, I rarely use the 50mm.

I love it and am pleased I didn't spend double the money on the f2.8.

I've definitely found that for the type of photos I take, I didn't need the IS. I could've saved my money.

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I agree the f4 Canon 70-200 is a rockin' lens!

Personally I wouldn't give up the 2.8 or the IS but that f4 is SWEET!

I would also NOT sell my 70-200 just because I had the 100-400. They are very different beasts and imho a kit needs both.

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I agree the f4 Canon 70-200 is a rockin' lens!

Personally I wouldn't give up the 2.8 or the IS but that f4 is SWEET!

I would also NOT sell my 70-200 just because I had the 100-400. They are very different beasts and imho a kit needs both.

I dont need to see this.

Edited by Kirislin
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