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My Daughters Latest Reason Why She Shouldn't Go To School.....


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I used to have one or two days off every term which i called "sick of school" days. I'd write the note and mum would sign it and I'd take it in the next day. After about year 10 - I usually had sports days off. One year I got incredibly sunburnt because teachers made us sit in the sun - so Mum wasn't any keener on sports day than me. If you were not the first or second best in your school "house" at anything - then you didn't get to do anything all day. Well there might be a three legged race and a sack race (boring) but what do you do for the other 5 hours and 50 minutes? Same with swim days. The two best - got to do everything and the rest of us were bored witless all day. You weren't supposed to read books either - you were supposed to cheer your team. Right...

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Lol so cute!!

Is the sixth a baby rabbit?

No, number 6 is one of our foster kittens. Only three of the animals on her bed actually belong to us, the two tabbies ( one behind her head) and the maltese type are temporary, the other three are hers, although the cav only sleeps with her when I have got up.

Mrs RB, I would love to give mine sports days off, they are a complete waste of time in my book, but alas they have to go.

A king single might be the go eventually, the room is not big enough for much more then that. Got to collect a few more dollars before a change is made...

Edited by barkon
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Hmn Mrs RB... did you go to my school? Perfect description of my sports day agonies! But must admitI enjoyed the swimming carnivals... I was one of the top two who 'got to do everything'. :o

I used to have one or two days off every term which i called "sick of school" days. I'd write the note and mum would sign it and I'd take it in the next day. After about year 10 - I usually had sports days off. One year I got incredibly sunburnt because teachers made us sit in the sun - so Mum wasn't any keener on sports day than me. If you were not the first or second best in your school "house" at anything - then you didn't get to do anything all day. Well there might be a three legged race and a sack race (boring) but what do you do for the other 5 hours and 50 minutes? Same with swim days. The two best - got to do everything and the rest of us were bored witless all day. You weren't supposed to read books either - you were supposed to cheer your team. Right...

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