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The Baddest Dogs In Town


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I often refer to Puck in particular, but the boys in general get the title of the Baddest Dogs in Town, and not without good reason.

I do a cook up once a week of a lovely mix of chicken mince, beef heart, or ox cheek and veggies for my whippets. It's cooked over a very low heat and it takes most of the day for me to make it. In the evening I put it into ice cream containers, I usually get 3 1/2 and that lasts me the whole week for 5 whippets. I place them on the bench to cool and then put them in the fridge.

Last night I was tired and forgot to put the cooked loaf in the fridge. I went to bed quite early but woke again a couple of hours later and remembered. Actually I could smell the chicken, it smelt pretty good too, that's what reminded me. But I also had a feeling of dread, there's no way the whippets would leave something alone that smelt like that. Uh oh, I go into the kitchen and sure enough there's one upturned container on the floor. I flip it over and there's the sloppy remains of warm greasy chicken mince. I manage to get what's left back into the container, they've eaten about 2/3rds of it. The boys are hovering around hoping to have a bit more, they're both looking very thick around the middle, I tell them to bugger off, they take the hint.

So I get up this morning knowing there's a mess for me to clean up, greasy chicken fat, all over the kitchen floor and probably the carpet too, although I cant see it on there yet. The boys are doing their best to help me clean by licking the lino as best they can. Puck looking on folornly as I get to it with hot soapy water, probably thinking to himself what a waste! It's taken 2 buckets of water but I think I've got it all up, until the next time anyway.

No breakfast for the boys this morning, and the air is thick with stinky dog farts.

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Naughty whippets :laugh: My two are bin raiders so when I go out I have to lock the bin in the bathroom.I also have that feeling of dread when I'm driving somewhere and realise I've forgotten the bin....and they never disappoint me when I get home.

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Boo is not normally a bench surfer (noting he can rest his chin on the bench top!) - I left 5 homemade afghans ( a choc and cornflake biscuit from NZ) in one of those small sistema brand storage containers with the blue clip sides.

Get home from work and the container is on the floor and contents consumed aside from a small amount of fudge icing smooshed into the carpet.

But there is not one tooth mark or piece of damage to the container so somehow he managed to unclick the sides and get the lid off! Not a bad effort when your snout is about the same size as the container!!

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I know the feeling. I found a naughty Whippet on the kitchen bench a few weeks ago. She had taken the lid off a slow cooker where there was a batch of Spaghetti sauce bubbling away. I got to her just before she would have gotten very burnt, We're having lasagne with the last of the sauce tonight- she's looking very disappointed at the moment.

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Oh gawd, I was just now sitting on the couch reading the paper when I realised I could hear a suspicious "eating of plastic" sound from the kitchen - went out there and Quinn has gotten a container of sour cream i had in the bag of groceries I just bought off the bench, got it open and eaten 2/3 of it. Sigh...

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I have a Labrador and a Camp Dog... nothing ever gets left out where they may be able to get to it here...

... except my chocolate bars that are on the corner table next to the couch. For some reason they know they won't live long if they touch that... and I don't mean trips to the vet either... they won't even look at the chocolate - go figure? Not that they are allowed in the lounge room unless I'm with them, but they still won't look at it if I have to go for a potty break...

Actually, they won't touch anything on that corner table... strange or what? Everywhere else in the house is fair game for raiding... *sigh*


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My Golden Retriever is a fan of taking things off the kitchen bench if I have been silly enough to leave it on there. He has gotten a packet of feta cheese, a packet of good shredded parmesan cheese and a tub of butter on two seperate occasions, he sneaks his treasures down to the garden to eat then comes back with the empty packets as presents for me :doh:

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So funny krislin.....u have a way with words!.....cracked up both me and my husband!!...we thought we were the only ones that dealt with the stinky chicken farts out of the poodles!!

Am saving the chicken for the morning so we don't have to smell it all nite in the bedroom!!...lol

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I was watching TV whilst throwing the ball for the dogs, and all was quiet, until I heard the kitchen bin moving around. I got up and was greeted by this:



Zephyr's ball had bounced into the bin and he was so proud of himeself that he was able to retrieve it. I, on the other hand, was not happy with all the rubbish strewn over the kitchen floor.

Edited by grumpette
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I was watching TV whilst throwing the ball for the dogs, and all was quiet, until I heard the kitchen bin moving around. I got up and was greeted by this:



Zephyr's ball had bounced into the bin and he was so proud of himeself that he was able to retrieve it. I, on the other hand, was not happy with all the rubbish strewn over the kitchen floor.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I almost pee'd my pants

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I was watching TV whilst throwing the ball for the dogs, and all was quiet, until I heard the kitchen bin moving around. I got up and was greeted by this:



Zephyr's ball had bounced into the bin and he was so proud of himeself that he was able to retrieve it. I, on the other hand, was not happy with all the rubbish strewn over the kitchen floor.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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My dog tried bin raiding like Zephyr and it must have bit her - cos she's never tried again. Really yummy things like meat wrappers and roast chicken debris - tends to go directly to the outside bin - and she hasn't figured out how to get into that yet.

If there's something I want to protect on the kitchen counter, I line the edge of it with stacks of empty tomato tins and tuna tins and etc. She stole the (crumbs only left) meat pie bag off the bench the other day. I should have known she'd do that. I really don't like it when she gets rewarded for counter surfing. At least she hasn't figured out she can jump on it if she really wanted.

Edited by Mrs Rusty Bucket
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My dogs must be broken. I can leave their meat out defrosting on top of the stove, well within their reach and it's never been touched. Same with the cat food, they could get it if they really wanted too. Margarine sits on the bench top most of the year. I think the kitchen bin has been raided 3 times in 20 years. I am and have been very aware of what I leave out though so there has never been much of a reward for them. They would nick a sandwich off my plate if left unattended in the lounge room while I make a cuppa :D

eta spelling

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My dogs must be broken. I can leave their meat out defrosting on top of the stove, well within their reach and it's never been touched. Same with the cat food, they could get it if they really wanted too. Margarine sits on the bench top most of the year. I think the kitchen bin has been raided 3 times in 20 years. I am and have been very aware of what I leave out though so there has never been much of a reward for them. They would nick a sandwich off my plate if left unattended in the lounge room while I make a cuppa :D

eta spelling

I can leave food on the coffee table at face height, or on the bench with no problems, but I had just put the plastic bag with all the meat juices from her bones in the bin, I think that was just too much for her!! LOL

It took about ten minutes to get it off and she completely freaked out.. she's scared of the bin lid now so that's a good outcome!! :thumbsup:

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