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Where Are All The Scotties?


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There are two that live around Brunswick in Victoria :thumbsup: I believe they're bother and sister, though one's just had to have nasty surgery on her leg. They're lovely dogs actually, and I'm not really a terrier person at all. We have a bunch of Cairns at my dog park and to be honest, based on my experience with both breeds so far (which is limited to er, 8-10 individual specimens!), I'd take a Scottie over a Cairn any day of the week.. :laugh:

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Scotties are on the list of breeds I'd really like to own one day. I was pretty close when I bought my pup but their reputation for a full on terrier temperament made me think maybe something a little easier for my first "own" dog rather than the family pet. My current pup is a miniature schnauzer and a full on little guy - I think in a couple of years I might just be ready for my scottie! :)

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They require grooming and they are a whole lot of "Terrier", great dogs but they aren't for everyone and I can see why there aren't a lot around.

I was wondering about the "whole lot of terrier" think too :)

I noted that they used to be nick-named 'the dour Scott'!

They can be very fiesty little creatures and they have a huge set of teeth on them. I've seen them living harmoniously as a pack and all getting on and I've also seen some that are very dog aggressive.

This. I've met some wonderful ones who I would steal in a heart beat and some who I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. Their temperaments seem to be quite varied, anyone interested in one should find a breeder who has the temperament they are looking for. Either way, there is a whole lot of terrier packed inside their little bodies.

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My friends who live in Mullumbimbi see two at the nearby beach or sometimes at the shops. They (my friends) say it is great to see them doin' stuff at the beach.

I think they belong to a lovely woman I talked to at the Ekka...I so wanted to ask her about buying one as I just love them ❤ but hesitant to ask as she had probably been asked "How Much?" a thousand times...I still don't know how much they cost, but as Westies are around $1700 now I would imagine they would be worth considerably more.

And yes, I know that this is what one must pay for a good dog but it is still a sh*t-load of money...1/2 a solar electricity system in fact :laugh:

sorry...got off the track a little :-)

Ya think???

I remembered a teacher from a small school near here has 6 Scotties.

HaHaHaHa Rozzie :laugh: ..I'll clarify that...an around-about $4500 solar electricity system for suburbanites...not the stand alone systems at around-about $25000

PS and I still would love to have a Scottie

Edited by Boronia
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As soon as I read this thread I knew that, despite never having seen a scotty in my life, that one would show up somewhere.

And sure enough, today on my drive home from the beach I passed a man walking a little black scotty dog :laugh:

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I have an 8 yr old scottie who I adopted when he was 6yrs old. I can honestly say they are not the breed for everyone and would not suit most people. He is a very stubborn little dog and extremely strong for his size. I would not recommend them for the elderly or anyone who has young children due to their strength. If you are not careful when feeding him you will lose your fingers. I think he had learnt some bad behaviors during the 6 yrs before I got him and while he is great with my other dog and my cat, he can be a pain with strange dogs. Some he likes, some he doesn't and you never really know what you will get, although I think a lot of this is because he just gets overly excited when he sees another dog. During the day he prefers to be outside so that he can do his "fence patrol" every 10 minutes just to make sure nothing has changed. But at night he is like a cuddly teddy bear and will sleep in your lap all night. To me he is a high energy breed and suited to people on acreage or with large backyards and they really need a good long walk each day. While most of the time he is a delight to have, sometimes you really do wonder if there is a brain in there at all. I swear he feels no pain. He really is a large boisterous dog stuck in a small body.

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