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Where Are All The Scotties?


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Scottish terriers are one of those iconic breeds that everyone knows.

But I've only ever seen one in real life. I didn't even see any at the local dog show.

There are only 25 breeders listed on DOL.

So I was just wondering why there are so few?

Are they just not popular at the moment? Or are their temperament's a bit difficult to manage or something?

I think they are just so incredibly cute <3

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There are a couple in this area and the breed even have a very good rescue arm, someone in Canberra!

Some of the dogs I've seen over the years in rescue that have been thought to be Scottie Terrier crosses have been pretty naughty dogs! Black is not such a popular colour either I guess.

Edited by dogmad
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I saw 5 at the dog park in Haberfield last Sunday :D They were gorgeous! And the owner was so lovely. He said that 5 was a good number- he did have 7, but found 5 far more manageable! :laugh:

They reminded me of mops on very short legs! :laugh:

Edited by lilli_star
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I only know of 1 in real life and I have to say it is awful, but they look soooo cute! I'm hoping his temperament is just a bad example and with an owner who doesn't know what they are doing (owner currently allows it to continue it's awful behaviour) - the good news is I see it because it's just joined up at dog school so hopefully there will be a bit of a turn around. But gorgeous looking little ones!!

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I had the most gorgeous little Wheaten Scotty pup in a puppy class I taught last year. It was the first time I'd ever seen a wheaten Scotty, and he was as smart as a whip; picked things up really quickly and loved learning.

Edited by CleoJ
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I saw 5 at the dog park in Haberfield last Sunday :D They were gorgeous! And the owner was so lovely. He said that 5 was a good number- he did have 7, but found 5 far more manageable! :laugh:

They reminded me of mops on very short legs! :laugh:

I know those dogs. They ( and their owner) are so lovely. The youngest lives to rumble with my pup.

Edited by emgem
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I saw 5 at the dog park in Haberfield last Sunday :D They were gorgeous! And the owner was so lovely. He said that 5 was a good number- he did have 7, but found 5 far more manageable! :laugh:

They reminded me of mops on very short legs! :laugh:

I know those dogs. They ( and their owner) are so lovely. The youngest lives to rumble with my pup.

:thumbsup: I patted Marge, and Louis (?? I think?) while the others were doing their own thing.

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One of the residents at the war veterans home where I take my border collie for pet therapy used to own and exhibit Scotties :) Lovely guy, his room is completely filled with Scottie paraphenalia. I do know one in real life from the local reserve, his name is Gus, he is a friendly boy, I think he is gorgeous!

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My friends who live in Mullumbimbi see two at the nearby beach or sometimes at the shops. They (my friends) say it is great to see them doin' stuff at the beach.

I think they belong to a lovely woman I talked to at the Ekka...I so wanted to ask her about buying one as I just love them ❤ but hesitant to ask as she had probably been asked "How Much?" a thousand times...I still don't know how much they cost, but as Westies are around $1700 now I would imagine they would be worth considerably more.

And yes, I know that this is what one must pay for a good dog but it is still a sh*t-load of money...1/2 a solar electricity system in fact :laugh:

sorry...got off the track a little :-)

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thanks so much for the replies everyone :thumbsup:

Its really great to hear from others about all the scotties out there and what they are like :)

we are kind of considering owning one, one day. But I have to find out a lot more before they really go on the list :)

seems as though they are just going through a bit of a lull in their popularity then, as happens with different breeds sometimes.

I hope to meet another one day!

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My friends who live in Mullumbimbi see two at the nearby beach or sometimes at the shops. They (my friends) say it is great to see them doin' stuff at the beach.

I think they belong to a lovely woman I talked to at the Ekka...I so wanted to ask her about buying one as I just love them ❤ but hesitant to ask as she had probably been asked "How Much?" a thousand times...I still don't know how much they cost, but as Westies are around $1700 now I would imagine they would be worth considerably more.

And yes, I know that this is what one must pay for a good dog but it is still a sh*t-load of money...1/2 a solar electricity system in fact :laugh:

sorry...got off the track a little :-)

Ya think???

I remembered a teacher from a small school near here has 6 Scotties.

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They require grooming and they are a whole lot of "Terrier", great dogs but they aren't for everyone and I can see why there aren't a lot around.

I was wondering about the "whole lot of terrier" think too :)

I noted that they used to be nick-named 'the dour Scott'!

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They require grooming and they are a whole lot of "Terrier", great dogs but they aren't for everyone and I can see why there aren't a lot around.

I was wondering about the "whole lot of terrier" think too :)

I noted that they used to be nick-named 'the dour Scott'!

They can be very fiesty little creatures and they have a huge set of teeth on them. I've seen them living harmoniously as a pack and all getting on and I've also seen some that are very dog aggressive.

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I have groomed some shockers - very snappy, but then in the past 5 years I have only groomed awesome ones. My neighbours have a Scottie who I adore. :heart: They have him clipped very practically.

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