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Lens Stuck On Camera Body!


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Has anyone had this problem before...

My 50mm 1.8 is stuck on my 7D camera body! :(

I have googled and on a couple of camera forums people are saying that it is probably a screw loose and just to snap the lens off rather than pay approx $500 to send it away to have it fixed! :eek:

Has anyone had this problem and been able to fix it?

I use the 50mm lens 90% of the time, but I was just about to buy a macro lens, which will be now no good if I can't put it on the body! :cry:

Any suggestions?

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That would suck. I've never had (or heard of anyone I know having) this problem.

Surely a little pressure and some wiggling, persistence and patience should let it come loose?

good luck!

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Try asking over on POTN or is that where you saw about the loose screw.

I did try putting my 50mm on my nieces 450D the other day and was shocked at how tight it was, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get it off. I would've thought all the fittings would be the same.

Good luck, dont force anything, if you have to take it into a camera shop.

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Thanks for the replies.

Yep was looking on POTN and that's where they suggested a screw loose and to just snap it off as it is a cheap lens.

Have been wriggling and applying pressure for 2 days now :(

I may have to give in and take it to a camera repair shop.

I did pop into Ted's camera shop yesterday when I was at the plaza and the 2 people in there said that they have never seen anything like that and he had a fiddle and couldn't get it off either!

I'm in the process of possibly buying a Nikon camera after playing with a friend's D700, so may just keep the 7D with the 50mm on it and get it fixed later down the track..

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Have you had your 7D for long? Aren't you happy with it? Do you think the Nikon is better and if so, in what way?

That's a big step to change over.

If you are interested we're having a whippet fun day at Wandin next month. It might be worthwhile coming along and taking some action photos for practice. I've got a 7D too so we can compare notes.

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I've had the 7D for probably a year now.

I do like it a lot, I just found when playing around with a friends Nikon I liked that more.

The D800 preforms amazingly in low light, which was a big thing for me.

The Nikon felt like a sturdier, strong camera (although a little heavier)

I'm still just throwing the idea around, but the more I read up on the Nikon, the more I am liking it.

Thanks for the invite for the Whippet day, it's a little far away but I will try and make it if I can! :)

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