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Where Do I Stand With My Breeder


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this is dutchess, the girl in question.post-35241-0-30945200-1334979495_thumb.png

She's gorgeous Melstar. :)

I agree with other posters, give her a little more time to mature before rushing her into surgery.

I bought a chi home from the pound a couple of years ago (as a rescue) and was told by my local vet that she had a LP and required a $2,000 surgery. Oh and he did the same, just had a quick feel around and that was his diagnosis...

I mentioned it here on DOL and was pretty much told the same as you are being told now. :) To wait and to let her mature a little more. Abs was 12mths old at the time, same as your girl. I waited and sure as houses she was fine. I still get updates from her adopted Mum in WA and she is doing great to this very day. :)

Edited by k9angel
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Thank Dog someone got the grading system right finally! Thanks AussieLover!

I'd agree with those who are saying seek a specialist opinion if you want it, or maybe wait and see how she goes. The surgical route is probably not for Duchess (very cute by the way) and showing should be possible - decide on breeding her when she's fully matured and can re-assess her patellas then.

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I would also get a second opinion from a specialist before you do anything. I hate to say it, but vets are not infallible, and some are better than others.

I once had one vet tell me I could pay $6000 for an op, or just put her to sleep as she most likely would not live longer than 6 weeks anyway.

My own vet said it was worth a shot as she was young and otherwise healthy and did the op for $1800 and she's alive and well 4 years later. I'm so glad I got a second opinion!

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Melstar, you have been given some terrific advice re your options, diet etc. and we all do feel for you. DO speak to your breeder as soon as you have more information (if not sooner to let her know what is happening).

If you have been giving your dog an unbalanced diet AND walking a young dog twice a day that may well contribute to problems in her legs. She may not be overweight, she may just be on the large side.

Your dog is young and if she isn't showing any symptomatic signs of Luxating Pattelar then you have time to get a second diagnsosis from a Specialist and confirm if she has in fact got a problem or if you just have an over zealous vet who likes to pull on dogs legs to show what a luxating Pattelar is???? IMHO any person with knowledge of structure of the leg can pull a dogs leg into a Grade One position where it will pop back again. :eek:

Also should surgery be required (not likely with Grade One) I have recently heard of a less invasive pattelar operation, with a less painful invasive surgery, where both legs are able to be done at the same time and with a shorter recovery time. A DOLer had her girl done a few years back and this may be something a specialist is aware of that a Gereal Veterinary surgeon is not.

Hoping for a positive outcome for you.

Edited by LizT
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I'd agree with those who are saying seek a specialist opinion if you want it, or maybe wait and see how she goes. The surgical route is probably not for Duchess (very cute by the way) and showing should be possible - decide on breeding her when she's fully matured and can re-assess her patellas then.

Good advice. Hope it helps you with your gorgeous girl.

I have a little dog with a luxating patella.

It pales into insignificance next to her beautiful looks, glorious temperament and general good health. I wouldn't be parted from her, at any price.

Edited by mita
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it has been indeed more reassuring that i know all the facts, im still going to keep the specliast oppiontment for next week, as well as an appiontment on thursday for a meeting with my new vet :thumbsup: i havent as yet spoken to her breeder, i want a second opioun before i get her worried over something that hopefully is a mix up, but atleast something postive has come out of this conversation- there are so many lovely people willing to give advice :D i really REALLY apprieate it, i quickly put the pitch forks away when i reliazed that i was totally over reacting. dutchess is my first cavalier, which i remeember when i was researching the breed and asking about breeders, somebody on here told me that owning cavaliers was an addiction, you just cant own one. AGREED!!! :rofl: i have a new bitch coming in 2 weeks tomorrow, i wont be rehoming dutchess no matter what the circumstances, she has always been a companion than anything else

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