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"Papillon which is French for butterfly...because their ears look like butterfly wings" which some people then get and equally some don't. Sometimes followed by "I thought it was a Pomeranian" and I might say "They do have similiar little faces..." And then people often comment that they are very uncommon and i say about them actually being one of the older spaniel breeds...

I f people know about them they are excited to see a live one, often pronouncing the ll in papillon :)

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Having the Brittany pup out and about is interesting. "Is she a sort of spaniel" (as she is black and white also get "is she a baby german shorthair pointer but her ears looks weird?"). If I say she is a "Brittany" people say "Brittany Spaniel, yes", so have to explain she looks a bit like a spaniel with long legs but is actually a small, French, Hunt/Point/ Retrieve breed. We did run into a lady from Belgium last weekend who said very confidentally "that is a beautiful little Epagneul Breton" :thumbsup:


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It's a japanese bear hunting dog

...Bear hunting?

Yep, he's doing a great job too. A haven't seen a bear since we brought him home. :)

Those who want to know more usually get the potted history of the breed, but most are happy with just the above snapshot.

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It's a japanese bear hunting dog

...Bear hunting?

Yep, he's doing a great job too. A haven't seen a bear since we brought him home. :)

Those who want to know more usually get the potted history of the breed, but most are happy with just the above snapshot.

:rofl: I love that. I always need new things to say, get a bit sick of saying the same thing all the time. Especially as everyone insists that he's a husky. Or I had one lady very knowingly tell her friends that Kyojin is a chow chow. :laugh:

We took Kyojin for a massive walk around Redcliffe the other day with a few other friends and their dogs, and almost every person/group of people we walked past, stopped to talk to us about Kyojin. Had some gorgeous little girl insist that she hug Kyojin. She was trying desperately to get her arms wrapped around him but they weren't long enough. :laugh:

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He is a Pointer

oh didn't know GSP could have white

No, he is a Pointer

oh but what kind

The breed gets called English Pointer but the correct breed name is Pointer

Now, with the self coloured Orange Pointer

Where has his Ridge gone or I didn't know Vizsla could have white feet and white chest.

He is a Pointer

Oh didn't know GSP came in this colour

Ditto above from this point

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For people who are asking me what I own, and don't know what a border terrier is:

"Like a cairn terrier, but with drop ears, and less coat." and if they don't know what a cairn terrier is, "Little wirey dogs."

For adults who ask me about the dogs, I say,

"They're border terriers - they were bred with legs long enough to follow the foxhounds, but they're still small enough to get down a fox hole."

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I think a T-Shirt I purchased from GAP NSW sums it up pretty well.

About my greyhound

Yes he used to race

No he doesn't bite

Yes he is big

No he isn't underweight

Yes he loves to sleep

No one is never enough

Yes he is the perfect pet :)

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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, no, not King Charles Spaniel, that is another breed altogether.

No, these were the original that King Charles doted on, the flat nose King Charles Spaniel became popular later and these were brought back from the brink of extinction in the early 1900's.

And.......In response to my other heart breed being called an "Alsatian" (which doesn't happen anywhere near as much as it did when I was young). That is the region from which the breed originated and the British refused to use the word German Shepherd because they loved the breed too, so renamed it Alsation. It's not called that much anymore.

Edited by LizT
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And just so my Welsummer chooks don't feel left out: You know the red rooster on the Kellogg's Cornflakes packet? Yep, a Welsummer :) And the prehistoric looking ones are Rhode Island Whites. No, a different breed from the Rhode Island Reds. But if you cross them you get an Isa Brown!

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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With Yogi I spend much of my time saying

"No, he is not a small Greyhound, he is a large, well muscled Whippet"

No, he is not a Tasmanian Tiger(He has similar markings apparently :eek: "

"Yes, I know he is a big Whippet but he is definitly a Whippet"

Poor Abbie gets called all sorts of breeds but when people ask me I tell them that she is a 100% pure love Hound!!

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