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Does Anyone Else Get Visited By The Dog Who Has Gone To The Bridge


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For the last few weeks I have been woken by 'Zedley' noises.

His bed used to be beside a chest of drawers and if he turned in his sleep he often kicked it. He also made a noise like his tongue was stuck to the roof of this mouth (like a tutt sound) in his sleep.

I have heard these noises on a number of occasions and also 'felt' him bump against the side of the bed (it is a high bed) and the other morning I felt him jump lightly onto the bed, which he used to do before he had to leave me.

Any one else had similar experiences?

I am not finding it scary, rather comforting in fact.

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I was in the dining room last week and heard a noise at the front door - I thought I saw Ziggy (new dog, who is the same size and colour as our old boy, Ollie) go to the front door but when I got up I realised he was was out the back..

I was sure I saw a dark dog go to the front door - I wonder if it was Ollie, hanging around???

Ziggy sits in front of the cabinet that holds my husband and Ollie's ashes.. He just sits and stares at it..

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:) yep.

Some time after Mitch left ..I would actually 'see' his waggy tail heading thru doorways .. Glad Zedley is still making contact.

. A couple of years ago ....... visitors were pleased, and said they had heard Sally, our old horse during the night cantering past certain campsites she used to visit

the visitors didn't know she had gone ..and we have no other horses . :)

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I have felt Holly a few times and seen her a couple since she passed over, but it has been a while

I have also felt cats jumping up on the bed and settling down, when there is no cat there - not sure which of my previous cats it is

I also find it very comforting rather than scary

I have also smelt perfume at certain times (not my own) and am pretty certain my animals didnt make it a habit of wearing perfume so not sure what thats about

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I'm sorry Sir WJ. Do you have other mementos of your babies that can give you comfort?

It is almost a year since my old girl was given her wings and I still forget she is gone. I'm not upset by that any more though. I had planned to go back fostering after she passed but couldn't quite bring myself to doing it until Jan/Feb this year when Ams put out a call for help. After she came and checked us out I had several dreams with my old girl featuring in them. I'd never ever dreamed about her before even when she was alive. In one dream I was trying to catch up with her, following her through a dark and crowded room. The dream ended with a tragedy but she was by my side and we were both calm knowing we were about to die. I took it as a sign she was upset with me fostering and I nearly changed my mind. Since having our first foster dog though we haven't looked back and there have been no more dreams. I think it was just my insecurities about it all because in real life she would never consider herself replaceable. She was always top dog in her mind and I can imagine her welcoming a new dog into the house telling it all the rules then giving it a good licking. She remains with us in spirit everyday I guess but I'm happy not to 'see' her and her old failing body.

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I wish they did. So far, I've seen/heard nothing of them. :(

Two of my babies died together 8 weeks ago. :cry:

I've been hoping I might have a nice dream about them. To let me hug them again, cuddle them in bed, but they're also dead in my dreams too. :(

That is so sad to have no contact, but Zedley went in late December and it is only this month I have been getting these visits. Time may change things for you too Sir WJ.

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I wish they did. So far, I've seen/heard nothing of them. :(

Two of my babies died together 8 weeks ago. :cry:

I've been hoping I might have a nice dream about them. To let me hug them again, cuddle them in bed, but they're also dead in my dreams too. :(

Ollie has been gone since October last year and I am only now just 'hearing or seeing' things...

Who knows if it is or isn't - probably wishful thinking on our parts really but it is still comforting.

Maybe your pain is just to raw still to 'feel' them around...

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It's over 4 years since April passed. I can't remember if it was before or after I got Tilba but I used to get flashes of April walking past me. As Tilba got older she used to make little noises that April used to make & I'd call her April. That stopped after a while but in the early months of this year I started calling Tilba 'April' again, I don't know why but it really has me wondering.

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Most of them still visit.

I had a cat, Sir Bastion who slept at the end of the bed generally between hubby and me.

You can actually feel him there and see the imprint. Sounds odd, but it happens so often, even when I've been in hospital he's been there with me.

I love it, very comforting.

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I can't say I've "seen" things but I've felt him. It's hard to explain. He's been gone since September and I have moments where I feel very close to him. Yesterday was one of them. I felt I needed to spend time with him. More a compulsion than a need I think. I did this up for him


and truly "felt" him around while I was doing it. Today it's been cold and rainy, he hated days like this and when I walked out into the kitchen I swear he was there, I could smell him. I don't care what people think, I know what I feel and I know he's here still

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I wish they did. So far, I've seen/heard nothing of them. :(

Two of my babies died together 8 weeks ago. :cry:

I've been hoping I might have a nice dream about them. To let me hug them again, cuddle them in bed, but they're also dead in my dreams too. :(

So sorry Sir WJ, maybe its just because while on one level you know and understand your heart and soul are still protecting you from the stress and shock of it all and in time as you heal they will be in your dreams.

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Our Elly used to do a short sharp yap at the back door in the night if she wanted to go our or come in if somebody had shut the laundry door so she couldn't get to her door. I was the only one that ever used to wake up to it and a couple of times since she has been gone I have woken up and gone to get out of bed for her only to realise that I must have dreamt it. It doesn't scare me, just makes me sad. :cry:

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I wish they did. So far, I've seen/heard nothing of them. :(

Two of my babies died together 8 weeks ago. :cry:

I've been hoping I might have a nice dream about them. To let me hug them again, cuddle them in bed, but they're also dead in my dreams too. :(

Aww, can feel your pain WJ... Yes, it may take time to get over the deaths and two is doubly sad. Hugs to you :kissbetter:

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:grouphug: hugs to you all

its beautiful to hear some of these stories

WJ i really believe they stay with us forever. it is early days i believe your body is still in shock. i believe you will have a dream or occurence one day when you are needing comfort or assurance about something in your life i think your dog will be there to comfort you (i believe this 100%)

this isnt about a dog, but i never met my grandfather yet i feel like he is with me every day. when im speeding or rushing to get somewhere and i get a red light or a truck gets in my way. i actually believe that is my grandfathers way of saying stay alive, slow down. because he wants me to stay with my mum. its just a feeling i get

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