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Lobo, Boof & Harry-man


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Haven't taken much time with the BGC lately other than work so trying to spend a little time every couple of days on personal stuff. Feel like the kitties have been neglected photographically while the Pupster was with us...I'm not convinced they minded, though!



Possessing the patio furniture again


Loving a beam of sun


Harry, my one-eyed beautiful pirate boy:


oh, please, Mama, take moar fotos


Edited by kja
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  • 2 months later...

thanks :)

Harry's good eye has been wonky since May and it's simply never going to be anywhere near OK again. Makes me sad. But he's doing great, still seems to have at least some vision and is going about his day to day life just fine. He will sometimes have the eye open, though often only partially, but lately the norm is pretty much closed.

He's still my gorgeous black kitty-boy.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Felt shamed with all the talk of the 50 and the 30 lately, so broke out the 30mm for a bit of a play around today. Boof happened to wander up while I was doing other things so of course he got shot!

So sweetie


One could almost believe we get pretty autumn light here!


Kitty is not amused


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