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It's Probly Nothing.


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Well my boy is still unsettled tonight, he was better through the day but not quite himself like I said in my precious post just not quite right and I have watched him like a hawk today, he seems ok up and about but on settling for a snooze just can't get comfy and fidgets! I did a little video which im uploading to you tube, it's 4 mins long so quite boring but if anyone wants to take a look I'd appreciate it. The video is probly not his fidgeting at its worse but it gives an idea.

I think it would be pointless taking him to the vet at this stage as I just don't see how they could figure out what it is if I can't :confused: It hasnt got any worse and is about the same tonight as he was Iast night. don't think he does it in the vid but there is one spot on his side that he scrathes and one spot on his front right foot that he bites at, but it seems more like habit rather than anything else. As I've been writing this he has finally settled down and been the stillest he's been since I hoped into bed at 8.30. It's driving me nuts because I just can't quite put my finger on what it can be?

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He had a small vomit this morning and yes regular toilet stop, maybe slightly softer than usual but all good.

The only thing out of the ordinary was Thursday he ate a piece of rabbit, they have never had rabbit before, the piece he had was about the size of a chicken drumstick.

Regarding bloat what other signs would I look for? He hasn't been fed after excersise, the last big run he had was Thursday morning and the only food he has had in the last few days was Thursday the piece of rabbit and kibble for dinner, 2 chicken wings yesterday and a small amount of kibble for dinner and today just some chicken and a small amount of kibble for dinner, less than usual. He is drinking as per usual as well which is a moderate amount.

My OH just thinks he has some sort of irritation?

One of my girls who also ate the rabbit is also off colour had the runs and a couple of small vomits but no restlessness and just wants to sleep. I can't decide if the two are related!

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I think we know our own dogs behaviour best and as you are still concerned, maybe a vet visit is in order...

Vets know what they are feeling for when checking tummies etc, so they pick up things that most pet owners miss...

I hope he is feeling better soon.

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I agree with a vet visit if he isn't settled tomorrow. They can feel for things you cannot or won't know what to feel for. Have you checked his temp?? They will check that and also give a listen to chest and gut sounds to make sure they are right.

Hope he is feeling better very soon.

Is he on antibiotics after his surgery?

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No I haven't taken his temp, he hasn't so much as moved hardly at all since my last post which was around 5 hours ago. Will see how he is today.

Oso, it's not my boy who had the surgery it's my youngest, thankfully the one that had the lumps removed is having a great night not so much as a peep. So much better than last night! Touch wood its all smooth sailing for a incident free recovery.

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We have only just woken up and so far we have total calm, he's sat up to say hello and had a cuddle and now gone back to sleep and has not fidgeted once. He usually sleeps in his crate but has been so unsettled so last night slept all night on the bed. I'll check his gums when we get up. We might go for a run after, it will be interesting to see how he goes.

My girl who wasn't well, only went out once during the night and has slept soundly the rest on the night.

Can anyone tell me more about bloat? Can it possibly happen over a few days or is it something the dog gets in an instant?

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Good bowel movement, nice pink gums, he seems just about his usual self today, still a little fidgety but nothing like he has been the last couple of nights. its quite warm here so we are going out for a short walk/run.

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seems like things are starting to settle down for u...Dezzy was reassessed in March and passed with flying colors and tomorrow we start going to see the kids....I can imagine u enjoy the theatre days especially with seeing the kids....they love the dogs and the dogs love them....I can't wait to see how he goes I am sure he will be okay because my son Jordan has taken him to his school which is a special school and it takes us about 2 hours to get out cause we have to go into every room...lol....hope things continue to go back to normal for u and ur family :)

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Thats great Lisa, sounds like Dezzy was born to do the "job" How come he was reassessed in MArch? We are not due for reassessment till September. Did you find the assessment similar to the first one?

I am happy to report that my restless boy is tonight quiet and calm, so what ever was bugging him has finally settled down. My girl is still not 100% didnt want her dinner (which is so not like her she is a compulsive foodie. :laugh: ) she just wants to sleep.

Its been quite an eventful weekend with Coop having surgery, and the other two off colour. Hopefully all will be good for the next long while now.

Thanks for the support and good advice.

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I had a few problems which am in the process of sorting out and yes the re-assessment was similar to the first one which wasn't too hard....glad to hear things calming down and hope Coop recovers from his op soon and your girls gets her appetite back :)

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Thanks Heaps good luck with Dezzy and your new venture!

JJ, maybe there is something going round, a friend (local) just lost her Dog, he had been in the vets all week they had tried to sort out what was wrong with him and they just couldn't figure it out. final diagnosis was some sort of brain infection, he was only 2. :cry:

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