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Some Pics Taken At Central Gardens Today.


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I took the boys to Central gardens today over at Merrylands.

Sadly, there isn't as many animals there are there used to be. They don't have all the parrots anymore, the wallabies are gone as have most of the kangaroos, and ducks. Even the pond is empty now. :( Once upon a time and not that long ago, it was full of ducks and fish and even had a pretty sprinkler thingy in the centre of it.

Some of the cages read 'temporary closed due to renovations', so maybe they're just making a few changes.

There were still a few emu's & kangaroos and smaller parrots there though. The kids always love feeding the emus. They're so friendly too. Oh and they don't hurt when they bite either. Many a time they've mistaken my hand for food. It's more of a shock then anything. :laugh:

Having said that though, I still wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of a wild one. :laugh:

This huge boy has been there for years and years. He is so old now, he can barely get up and spends most of his time sunbaking in the sun. He did get up, took a few slow hops then plonked himself down again.


And down he goes...


"You lookin' at me?" :laugh:



Jack feeds them...



Little Bails is too busy looking at the Ibises. :laugh:



This poor cockatoo looked lost sitting near the emu enclosure.


Same cocky. He flew up into the tree above us when I whistled and called to him.


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