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Big Round Of Applause


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For the older couple who when they saw us walk up to the lake leashes there gorgeous male rotty who was happily playing with his ball. Don't get me wrong it made no difference to me whether he was offlesd or not as I know my girls wouldn't of gone near him. Just nice to see responsible owners : :thumbsup: . :thumbsup:

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It is lovely to see people taking notice and extending courtesy and respect. :)

What you wrote above would be lovely to have printed in a "Have Your Say" (or equivalent) section of your local newspaper :).

Edited by Erny
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It is lovely to see people taking notice and extending courtesy and respect. :)

What you wrote above would be lovely to have printed in a "Have Your Say" (or equivalent) section of your local newspaper :).

Good on them for being responsible and caring about others around them. A newspaper would be the way to go, I'm sure they would apprieated it and maybe others might follow by example

....and hopefully it would be interpreted correctly and not made to feed any "big Dog phobia". Sometimes with the Media you can't win.

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....and hopefully it would be interpreted correctly and not made to feed any "big Dog phobia". Sometimes with the Media you can't win.

That' true, LizT. I can see how that could be read from the completely different angle than what it was intended. Although breed reference doesn't have to be included. The people might recognise it was their deed being congratulated by the date and venue but if it isn't, the message is still out there for everyone else and breed doesn't really matter.

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