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Just what are they?  

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  1. 1. Are the dogs that live with you your children?

    • No, definitely not. They are dogs, with their own wonderfulness.
    • No , I love them deeply for who they are though.
    • No , but I call them my 'kids' , like a lot of people do. :)
    • No ....well..... sort of I guess, as I have no children of my own.
    • My dogs are my life, but not my children
    • My dogs are the children I have never had.
    • My dogs are my children and I will always love them.
    • My dogs are my children, and will be given every opportunity.
  2. 2. What do your dogs enjoy?

    • :) My dogs enjoy getting dirty
    • My dogs enjoy games and my company
    • My dogs enjoy lots of training and being with others.
    • My dogs enjoy work - they are part of a team .
    • My dogs enjoy being with me at home much of the time
    • My dogs enjoy being with me continually
    • My dogs enjoy a variety of outdoor activities

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Exactly what "every opportunity" are you giving to your dog that I'm not giving to mine because I don't treat them as human?

:shrug: It's got me beat. Maybe they let the dog drive the car. I couldnt understand the comment that dogs are 'the new children'. What on earth does that mean?

Private school? Music lessons? My dog would eat a violin given the opportunity so I'm going to give that a miss.

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I still dont get 'the new children' thing. Is that like - I didnt like my old kid so I swapped it for a new kid aka a dog? Pretty bizarre.

It's likevwhat they say for fashion isnt it? Blue is the new black.

Kids are so yesterday, it's all about the dogs now ;)

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Kids are so yesterday, it's all about the dogs now ;)

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Hey sorry kid, you're so passe. I'm getting a dog instead and he can go to your private school, drive my BMW and enjoy expensive holidays in Europe. CYA later :wave:

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I love my dogs , they rank in importance with family members, but they are dogs and do dog stuff , the fact that i prefer their company to many ppls is just that ppl annoy me :laugh: I say Gizzi is my baby , but that's prob as she was the only one i have had from a puppy and she gets a little more privileges than the other dogs get . They are my personal trainers and company . I don't have kids, and have no inclination to have any , but would fill my house to the brim if I could with fur anf feathers :laugh: It's not practical [ ie my ex knew his place and his place was in line after the dogs ] :rofl: i feel that i should give them all the best of care as they have no control over their fate , so it is a responsibility to care for body and mind. now having said alll that my dogs are well behaved, they are not spoilt out of control spoilt treated like kids dogs .

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My dogs are not children and never will be - thank God!

I'm slightly creeped out by people who refer to (or worse, treat) their dogs like children. Of course they fill a void but it is not at all the same. A dogs purpose is that of a companion, a team mate, a working partner ... but not a replacement child. Each to their own though... :shrug:

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We call our dogs "the kids" but definitely do not think of them as actual children.

We don't have and don't want children - it may be that we have multiple dogs because we don't have children (thinking of the time and money aspect here) but we don't have dogs INSTEAD of children.

I think people who consider their dog to be human are very odd - and also devaluing the worth of a dog far more than anyone who thinks of their dog as a dog. Why on earth would a wonderful animal like a dog WANT to be a mere human?

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that's different to having a range of outfits that he wears all the time

My pug has about 20 different coats for winter. It's not because she's a child - it's because I have to look at the clothes once I put them on her and like to laugh at how ridiculous she looks, and they get changed every day because she rolls around in the garden and they stink if I dont wash them everyday.

this sure aint no child. I would have shot her when she turned up if she was :rofl:


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Hmmm....there have been what I consider a few "highly disturbing" references recently of OP's referring to their dogs as in one instance..... "my son" who was taken by the 'authoriites". And "my child" who did not receive the medical treatment I felt he needed, nor the compassion he deserved.

I'm sure as DOLers we all love our dogs because they are. Dogs.

Edited by LizT
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I'm still not exactly sure what treating dogs like replacement children actually looks like in practice..

A lot of people in my life call my dog my child, and as I was taking her home from her breeder the first day, she said 'Ohh look, she's like your baby! You're so perfect together!' :laugh:

I don't think I treat her like a human child, but I'm sure by many people's standards, I do. But I think DOL standards and average joe on the street are quite different when it comes to dogs, and what fulfilling their needs actually looks like and means.

I feed her human grade meat, which is without fail always the most expensive item on my shopping list. I rush home from work every day to take her out, have pet insurance, and think about her all the time. I feel bad if I have to go out and do something immediately after our walk at night, because she's been inside all day and evenings and night times are when we go to the park, play and just.. I don't know, she hangs around me, sitting on my lap watching TV or at my feet as I study, etc.

But I know when I'm anthropomorphising and that she'd actually be fine if I spent less on her food, and spent less time playing with her and hanging out with her. My boyfriend and I call each other her mummy and daddy but we're not SERIOUS about it.

And yeah, I hate the word 'furkid' too, but because it kind of makes me think of paedophiles.. :laugh:

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Hmmm....there have been what I consider a few "highly disturbing" references recently of OP's referring to their dogs as in one instance..... "my son" who was taken by the 'authoriites". And "my child" who did not receive the medical treatment I felt he needed, nor the compassion he deserved.

I'm sure as DOLers we all love our dogs because they are. Dogs.

This. I can't stand it when people refer to their dogs as their children or my son or daughter. It just doesn't seem right.. freaks me out too

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I think people can use dogs to fill the void of not having children, love them as they would a child and devote themselves to their dogs in the same way, but still cater for all their doggy needs. I don't think calling your dogs your 'children' is a bad thing a long as you unserstand that their needs differ from those of a child.

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I say my dog is our "child" just to get people off my back when they ask the question "So when are you guys having kids?"


He's not much of a child though...I'm not a fan of having a dog inside (can't exactly blame me - dogs roll in poop and dead sheep on a farm and I'd rather not have that stinking out the house! ;) ) so he can sleep on the ute/couch on the verandah/under the house/on the verandah and he goes on the ute with OH when he goes to work (he works on the family farm) :)

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I'm the only human in my household and I'm always giving my dogs the opportunity to do human things - I ask them if they'd like to mop the floors or clean the bathroom, or wash the dishes, or prepare dinner... I even offer them incentives, I tell them if they go to the shops for me to get something they can buy themselves steak for dinner. They don't seem interested in taking up the opportunities?!?

(kidding obviously, but I do actually have my side of the conversations with them :o)

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Both of my dogs have asked me to post that they are quite happy to be dogs. They are shocked that five people think their dogs are children and give them every opportunity to be human. Cody had some pretty harsh thoughts about it, but luckily he can't type . . .yet

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...thinking the dog loves to be hugged (some might, most don't), ...

You need to meet some Borzoi Weasels! :D Some might not like hugging, but the vast majority do... Maybe they're anti-dogs in regard to hugging??

I have kids, and dogs, and they are very different. I am firmly of the belief that my dogs like being dogs. I do call my puppies babies, but don't mean it in a human sense at all (I don't much like human babies, but adore my puppies!!!) :laugh:

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I'm the only human in my household and I'm always giving my dogs the opportunity to do human things - I ask them if they'd like to mop the floors or clean the bathroom, or wash the dishes, or prepare dinner... I even offer them incentives, I tell them if they go to the shops for me to get something they can buy themselves steak for dinner. They don't seem interested in taking up the opportunities?!?

(kidding obviously, but I do actually have my side of the conversations with them :o)

:rofl: - I also try to tell mine "you're working dogs, do some housework already!" to no avail *sigh*

...thinking the dog loves to be hugged (some might, most don't), ...

You need to meet some Borzoi Weasels! :D Some might not like hugging, but the vast majority do... Maybe they're anti-dogs in regard to hugging??

Oh I hug Weez - I'm just not much fussed whether he likes it or not :p I consider it a small price to pay for all the free food and board :D

I think Borzoi hugs would be pretty special tho, I'd totally be up for that :love:

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I'm the only human in my household and I'm always giving my dogs the opportunity to do human things - I ask them if they'd like to mop the floors or clean the bathroom, or wash the dishes, or prepare dinner... I even offer them incentives, I tell them if they go to the shops for me to get something they can buy themselves steak for dinner. They don't seem interested in taking up the opportunities?!?

(kidding obviously, but I do actually have my side of the conversations with them :o)

I am also the only human in this household and have often come home to find the loungeroom a mess and my two sprawled over a lounge each in front of the telly.I always say to them "are either of you going to get a job and move out soon?" :)

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My son and my Whippets are alike in a few ways, but I do know the difference between a child and a dog.

They all sprawl on the lounge, leave bits of food on the lounge, expect to be fed when it suits them, hover around the fridge, look through shopping bags when the groceries come home, have their beds tidied for them, and demand my attention when it suits them. They all occasionally get told off, obviously it does nothing for the dogs- if they rip up a ball of wool, they are being dogs, it doesn't stop me from saying "why would you do that?" or "He/She's been naughty- it's different to me saying my son's being disobedient or naughty, he has a capacity for reflection/ theory of mind that enables him to say to himself, "If I do this, she will be upset". They all look at me confused when I'm crying if I'm upset, and all treat me the same, they are inquisitive about what I'm doing (what's that weird wimpering noise? Oh, nothing imoportant, get back to snoozing, XBox, chewing or whatever applies) I treat them alike in some ways, they are all spoiled, I get them all things that they don't really need, or perhaps want, but that they will enjoy. e.g. The dogs got new toys to rip apart at Easter, the boy got Eggs to rip apart. They all get dragged in for medical attention even if they don't want to, and I make them all do their homework- agility/school/ obedience etc and I don't ask any of them if they want to. They are all cuddly when it suits them- like now it's getting colder- my son can't be bothered hunting out a jumper, and the dogs can't be bothered covering themselves with their blanket- or can't find their blanket because son has borrowed it.

I don't call my dogs children, they sleep in the garage overnight, get put in the yard during the day, get to do doggy things like eat grubs from the lawn, chase birds etc. Sometimes, referred to as Fur Kids or my babies- especially when I'm sentimental- son gets called a baby to, he's nearly 12!

I do love my dogs, different to loving my son. I miss my dogs and my son when I've been out all day, but I know they don't spend the day wondering when I'm getting home-especially my son.

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Our dogs are our current kids but we treat them like dogs lol they sleep outside they eat dog food but we spoil them in terms of making sure they get nice treats like chicken wings and occasionally mince if we get some on clearance and we make our own dog treats to cut cost and they prefer them to the store stuff and we know whats exactly in it and its better for them then the store stuff.

I also spoil them in terms of that they all have their own bed and bowl and plenty of toys and Im forever buying new ones because they enjoy them and you'll often see them chasing each other round the yard with the toys..

They are my current kids lol we call them "the kids" and love them like so but they are not a replacement when the time comes we will love a human child more so then the dogs. but hey you only get out with the dogs what you put in and giving them the extra attention and a comfy happy life means they are happy easy going dogs and they rarely demand any extra attention as they are content..

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