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Finnish Spitz


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Hi folks. I'm scoping the potential to acquire two new family members of the furry variety for the end of the year. After a lot of research my wife and I have shortlisted the Finnish Spitz. Unfortunately the breed seems to be especially rare in Australia.

Does anyone know of any registered breeders?

Alternatively, how difficult is it to import a dog from overseas?


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They are extremely rare with only a couple of breeders. There are two listed in the breed section, one in Vic and the other in NSW (I think)

The breed has small litters and a very long wait list so your chance of getting two puppies at the end of the year is basically non existant. I would allow at least a good year or two before it happens. Even in my breed where there are a few more breeders and dogs, you would be waiting at least a year for a puppy.

Have you met any Finnish Spitz's?

Importing is an expensive and lengthy process, too import one dog can take a long time as you need to wait for a puppy to be born, then have someone look after it till it's old enough to travel after having all it's health tests and budget at least $10k :)

They are a beautiful breed and I've emailed them recently to be put on the wait list for a puppy in the future :D

Edited by tollersowned
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Definately try and meet some, I am unsure if there are any being shown at the Sydney Royal which would be your best bet otherwise give the breeders a ring and find out what shows they will be at or if they know anyone in the area who would show you their dog :)

Good luck :D

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Yeah once/if I hear back from the breeders I've just e-mailed I intend trying to arrange to travel to them to meet them, meet the breed and discuss things - I had a bad experience with a husky that (despite massive amounts of socialisation with a large range of breeds - I live 500m from a major dog park, several courses of increasingly complex obedience training through the local dog club, and desexing) hit adulthood, became extremely aggressive towards smaller breeds and ultimately mauled a Jack Russell he had grown up with. Not something I want to go through again.

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Alternatively, how difficult is it to import a dog from overseas?

My Tibetan Spaniel was imported from Sweden by an Australian registered breeder. That's a popular breed in Scandanavia. I have copies of the paperwork. Another Australian breeder took her brother. Very wise move....as this year, that Swedish breeder's dog won Best of Breed at Crufts.

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Some has been showing in Sydney fairly regularly so I have had them alongside me in group. They have been delightful. I seem to remember they come up from south. Maybe ACT? Not entered tomorrow though. They might surface for hound club next Sat.


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Thanks. I've just found and written to the act hound club to see if they know anyone locally. Ive also found a link on google to a breeder called Aluksi in the act area. Just a phone number and po box though.

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The breeder in Canberra - Aluksi - hasn't bred a litter for a while, as they are a bit busy with 3 human offspring at present! She does still have 3 FS. The breeder up northern NSW - Eurabbie - has an imported bitch (Siru) and is probably organising right now, to bring in semen for her girl's second litter. Siru's first litter was 2 dog pups and 2 bitch pups. I don't know where the boys went but Eurabbie kept one girl and the Victorian breeders - Vartija - have the other. If you want to see FS in Canberra, Aluksi is your only option! There are a couple of their other dogs in Canberra too. I don't know the NZ breeder but Vartija might.

I lost my (Aluksi) FS 3 years ago to cancer. Her litter brother is going well and I hope he makes it to their 16th birthday next month.

They do live up to their name of the "Barking Bird Dog" so you either train them not to bark so much or you need to manage the barking.

In memory of Grand Champion Aluksi Erikka ADX JDX GD CD, swimming after ducks under Rainbow Bridge ...

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Thanks Jude - I'll try and source their contact details to get in touch. I also appreciate the tip regarding their noise - that's definitely something we'll be trying to direct towards specific purposes through training to ensure it doesn't become an irritating habit. The feasibility of such training is also something we want to discuss with owners. We'll be attempting to make the Sydney show tomorrow to see FS there so fingers crossed we may get to talk to a variety of people about them so we can confirm that we truly know what we'd be getting ourselves in to.

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