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Is This Dog Being Aggressive?


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Depending upon whether he is your dog or not, I tend to agree with the other posters - he looks very much like he's talking to you, either about the fact he's lost (or found) something in the water and wants your help to get it, or he just wants to share with you about the lovely time he's having.

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if that is the case, i'd like to hear which body language signals say that?

For me, it's the fact that he's barking at you and then looking back at the water, he does this repeatedly - "mum, mum, my ball" or "mum, mum, (or dad, dad!) come see what I found."

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To the dog is being a typical dog, seemingly a bit excited, monotone barking (my youngest one does that when he wants something or for attention) like he is trying to tell you something.

To me it's more what he is not doing that shows he is not being aggressive, no raised hackles, no bared teeth, it's a little hard to be fully sure of what's going on with the quality of the video and without knowing what has happened before the video was shot, he definatley seems in a somewhat excited state, kind of like he has been amped up in some way?

Only my opinion, I'm certainly no expert just like to observe dog behavior, I have 4 of my own and have been a volunteer instructor at an obedience school. What's the story is the dog yours? Do you think he is being aggressive?

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No aggression that I can see. The body is pretty relaxed, there does appear to be some excitement over whatever it was in the water that the dog put his mouth on.

The dog is barking but not maintaining prolonged eye contact, the tail is not up over the back, there's no hackles raised, the dog has not charged.

I'd say you'd be pretty safe around that one ( not that you'd pat a strange dog and especially not place your kids near it )

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Remember that dogs do get confused when they look at you and see a 'thing' in front of your face, he could be telling you to put it down.

Dogs can't understand cameras.

He could also be telling you to chuck something in the water for him to get :)

I thought there was a ball or a lump of wood floating in the water beside him that he was interested in.

Edited by Boronia
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I guess the question mymatejack is why do you think the dog is being aggressive?

The dogs body language doesn't indicate aggression. Barking doesn't mean aggression either.

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Pretty typical excited vocal stafford...

Most are good at telling you what is going on and this one is excited about whatever it is..

My boy did the same thing when he wante to show me something...

My new lad is a staffy cross and he barks like that when he wants me to come play.. He will bring me a toy or ball and bark all excited like he is saying, come on it will be fun..

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You might not get a response from Tileda as there's lots of exciting things going on in the world of Whippets this weekend.

From a Staffordshire Bull terrier, owner and breeders point of view, I've witnessed a lot of behaviour, similar to the youtube clip and it goes hand in hand with the SBT. I'll try and get the OH to video what happens when I play with one of my boys. He's not vocal all the time but you will see very similar body language.

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there is certainly no ball in the water

The dog tries to pick something up before it walks up the rocks? Just looks like an excited dog barking to me. No hard stare, turning it's head and licking it's lips. Definitely no aggression.

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I look at the whole body of the dog to read their body language and for that reason found it kind of hard to form a view based on that clip. Things like their stance and how rigid they appear, their tail, hackles, ears, eye movements.. and get a whole picture.

Many people I know (I'm thinking people at my dog park, the majority of whom have small dogs) would see that dog and think uh oh.. but in my opinion, it's just a lack of familiarity with the breed and how they play. Barking isn't aggression. Doh!

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