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Doggie Sunscreen

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Petbarn stocks it, well the one I work in does. Filtabac and the 'Vetbasix'(sp?)one. Though I haven't seen either on the shelf for a little while. I've asked for some to be ordered. Maybe supplier issues? You could ask the staff at your local one, they might be able to order some in for you.

Otherwise I'd assume most vets would carry something of the sort.

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I like the consistency of Filtabac (dries into a film of sorts) but I find it really dries out Moose's skin and makes it flaky. It could be because the skin in that spot I think is already quite thin (burn scar) but I have heard similar reports from others about the dryness.

Lately I've just been using toddler sunscreen.

Edited by moosepup
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Thanks for the info. I'm heading into Pet Barn later this arvo and will ask about it.

Moosepup, is toddler sunscreen safe to use on dogs?

Well I figure if a baby can wear it, the dog should be okay. :laugh:

Most vets I've asked have been a bit vague. Just make sure they don't lick it heaps and don't get it in their eyes and you should be right. :)

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