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Underwater Again - Ningaloo Reef


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Terra - yippee on doing your course!! Check out the Panasonic TS3 (my I love Water thread is all about that little spunk of a camera) - it's only a couple hundred bucks, goes to 12m and does a fantastic job on stills and videos, imho.

Awesome! Thank you!!!

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Margined coralfish on blue


Please let me know what you think about this next image - it's a departure for me and I like to know how others view it. Don't be shy - you can't hurt my feelings (but you can make me feel warm fuzzies ;)) when I ask for feedback. And it doesn't matter if you've ever put your head under the sea - I value all input. Even just "like" or "not really like" or anything more you think. So pretty please take a minute, if you can? :curtsey:

Something a bit different for this cod & his remora buddy


I love both of these shots! The cod shot is stunning, emotive, moody! I agree with the others about signature, as it draws my eye too much! But I think you're brilliant!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two nice dives today. Have a few more to get through but here's three to get started :)

Panda Butterflyfish


Nembrotha kubaryana nudibranch


Cleaner wrasse playing dentist with sweetlip


Another friendly olive sea snake


Canon 40D, Canon 60mm macro, Subal housing & port, Inon strobes

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First dive site today has a cool mini-cave and canyons - all totally filled almost solid with glassfish. There are so many you can hear them - it's totally freaky and so cool as they swarm around you.


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Great photos kja. I would never go diving as I am scared of the sea, but it's so beautiful to see all the different species that are down there without having to go near the water. The signature is a necessity, but doesn't bother me when looking at the shots.

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Thanks, Frodo's!

Yesterday's first dive was one of my top ten dives ever - maybe even higher than that. I'm going to try to find time today to do a proper blog post with photos, maybe some video and some of the highlights - please stay tuned.

In the meantime, here's a very (almost too) friendly hawksbill turtle that let us hang with him for ages and when we finally left us he circled back to try to engage our attention again! Most of the time he was too close to me for photos! My friend Junko in the background


Trio of moorish idols


I'm guessing you are all about over all this underwater stuff by now :)

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